Who mostly directly benefits when bank make a profit?


Answer 1
Answer: The people who benefits the most when a bank make a profit would be the shareholders, the companies that has connections with the bank and as well as the economy of the place where the bank is located . Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

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1)What caused the Cold War to begin?2)who do you think was responsible for the Cold War?
3)Did the Cold War have to continue into the late 1980s or could it have ended. EXPLAIN!!


The Cold War was the geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle between two world superpowers, the USA and the USSR, that started in 1947 at the end of the Second World War and lasted until the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991.

As General Patton knew, Russia was never the ally of America.  Since Russia was never an ally, there was no reason to have allowed Russia after WWII to divide Germany and to access some of the "brain power" which helped with the development of nuclear weapons.  And, had the U.S. done what Patton suggested--namely, go into Russia at the end of WWII, the U.S.S.R. would not have developed as it did.  Therefore, there would have been no Cold War.  Blame goes to the U.S.

the cold war started immediately after ww2 between the USA and Russia (Soviet Union) due to the USA's fear that the soviet union could continue to spread communism in Europe/Asia.  both the USA and the Soviet union are responsible and, although this could be thought of as personal opinion, no, the cold war definitely could've ended much sooner than the 1980's. it continued as a race between the two on who was the strongest/ best country, all the way up to the race to who could get to space first.   

While consumerism during the 1920s boosted the economy, it also led to


While consumerism during the 1920s boosted the economy, it also led to higher debt. It was the time when new inventions and discoveries were the word on the street. People could enjoy lavish life and spend for getting their lavishness. On the hind side, the debt was also rising alarmingly. I hope it helps you.


high dept


7. What was the long-term impact of Martin Lutherʼs break from the Catholic Church? What do we see today as a result of his “revolution”


Martin Luther broke from the Catholic Church after nailing his 95 theses to a church door in 1517.  He restudied the Bible and realised that many of the Catholic church's policies and ideas had no Biblical background.  The long-term impact is known today as Protestantism.


His beliefs completely influenced the start of a new branch of Christianity.


This body has control when a society has popular sovereignty.a. the aristocracy
c. the wealthy
b. the army
d. the people


It would be "the people" who have control when a society has popular sovereignty, since "popular" in this setting means that a majority of the people are in favor of the policies of the state in question.

What was the gulf of tonkin resolution


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution or the Southeast Asia Resolution is a declaration of War of the United State in regards with the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Though the US was not a part of the war, however, declared War against North Vietnam because they weren’t being drag by into war. It was also a protocol that they must send in some of their soldiers as a protocol in order to help an ally country

Under President Coolidge, the concerns of Mexican Americans and African Americans werea. a high priority.
b. addressed in a series of fiery radio speeches.
c. answered with hostility.
d. largely ignored.


Under President Coolidge, the concerns of Mexican Americans and African Americans were D. LARGELY IGNORED.

President Coolidge favored policies that aided the growth of business and that creation of wealth benefited the nation as a whole. He focused more on growing businesses and did not dwell on the sufferings and discrimination that the Mexican Americans and African Americans experience in those times. His single-mindedness led to the booming of the national economy.

Under President Coolidge, the concerns of Mexican Americans and African Americans were largely ignored.