¿Que pasa? is how you say "What up?"
Como dirias que tal tu amiga en el pasillo (feminine)
Como dirias que tal tu amigo en el pasillo (masculine)
One thing that made trains safer were brakes, which helped them to stop so that they would not crash into trees and things.
On movies, have you ever noticed that sometimes there's trains chugging along and then you see that the railroad is broken? Well, these brakes were also created to prevent the trains from falling off the broken railroad.
↑ ↑ ↑ Hope this helps! :D
Cuando me empezaron dar dolores en los pies, acudí al médico y me diagnóstico con un problema serio de callo. ¡Debo cuidarme más!
Best regards
Los había enterrado bajo el callo que había crecido en torno a sus emociones.