What happens if both sister chromatids move to the same pole


Answer 1

Although many cells go through both anaphase A and B motions, occasionally one motion takes precedence over the other. Poleward migration in anaphase requires the separation of the paired sister chromatids. The components that link the chromatids at the centromere are degraded by proteolysis, which causes chromatid separation.

What both sister chromatids move to the same pole?

Synapsis is the name given to this action. Crossing over happens during synapsis. DNA is transferred between two nonsister chromatids of a homologous pair of chromosomes during crossing over.

When nondisjunction occurs, the homologous or sister chromatids are drawn to one pole of the cell because the separation does not take place.

Therefore, One daughter cell would have more chromosomes than usual, and one sister chromatid would not split equally during the anaphase of mitosis.

Learn more about chromatids here:



Answer 2
Answer: You end up with two cells with aneuploidy, or abnormal chromosome number. One daughter cell will have one extra chromosome, the other daughter cell will have one less than what it should have. For example, if the normal number is 46, and this happened, you would end up with one cell with 45 and one cell with 47.

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What is the first step of DNA replication?A. Free nucleotides bond together in the correct sequence.

B. A single-stranded RNA molecule forms.

C. The DNA transfers its information to RNA through an amino acid.

D. The DNA molecule unzips along weak hydrogen bonds.


DNA replication is the biological process of producing two identical replicas of DNA from one original DNA molecule. The option (D) is correct.

What is DNA replication?

DNA replication is the process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. Replication is an essential process because, whenever a cell divides, the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information, or DNA, as the parent cell.

Moreover, DNA must replicate (copy) itself so that each resulting cell after mitosis and cell division has the same DNA as the parent cell. All these cells, the parent cell and the two new daughter cells, are genetically identical.

Therefore, DNA replication is the process of creating two identical daughter strands of DNA. DNA replication occurs in the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and in the nucleoid region in prokaryotic cells. DNA replication occurs in S phase during the cell cycle prior to cell division.

Learn more about DNA replication:






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Choose the equation that represents an exponential function that passes through the point (2, 36).A. f(x) = 4(3)x
B. f(x) = 4(x)3
C. f(x) = 6(3)x
D. f(x) = 6(x)3


Since we were given only one point, we have to test each exponential function for the point (2,36).

Since exponential functions are of the form y=n(a)^(kx), The correct option is between option A and option C.

For option A,


On substitution, we have;


\Rightarrow 36=4* 9

\Rightarrow 36=36.

Since the point satisfied the exponential function f(x)=4(3)^(x), the exponential function goes through it.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

No need to test for option C again.


a is right


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I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. The function that is both performed by goblet cells and lacrimal glands is protection.  They produce mucus in order to protect mucous membranes. Hope this answers the question.

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a process of change in a population through genetic variation over time


The tissue that covers body organs in an example of ___epithelial tissue ____.A. epithelial tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. connective tissue

D. muscle tissue


The tissue that covers body organs in an example of epithelial tissue.

  • Epithelial tissue covers the surface of the body and lines the various body cavities and internal organs.
  • There are different types of epithelial tissue:
  1. Simple squamous epithelium
  2. Stratified squamous epithelium
  3. Cuboidal epithelium
  4. Columnar epithelium
  5. Ciliated columnar epithelium
  6. Glandular epithelium
  • Basically all epithelial tissues have a fibrous basement membrane.
  • Their functions are protection, absorption, secretion, etc.


A.Epithelial tissue

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.


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