How do you think the world will end


Answer 1

With fire.  Definitly.


Answer 2
Answer: Idk I think we will just explode or somthin I hope it’s painless

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Hurricanes are large, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 mph and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain a day.The deadliest U.S. hurricane on record was a Category 4 storm that hit the island city of Galveston Texas. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge.The difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane is wind speed – tropical storms usually bring winds of 36 to 47 mph, whereas hurricane wind speeds are at least 74 mph.Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around the eye. The rotating storm clouds create the "eye wall," which is the most destructive part of the storm.Hurricanes are classified into 5 categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage. Names can be "retired" if a hurricane has been really big and destructive. Retired names include Katrina, Andrew, Mitch and most recently Sandy.When the National Hurricane Center began giving official names to storms in 1953, they were all female. This practice of using only women’s names ended in 1978.The costliest hurricane to make landfall was Hurricane Katrina, a Category 5 storm that slammed Louisiana in August of 2005. Damages cost an estimated $108 billion.

What is the definition of matter​



See below


Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. It consists of various types of particles, each with mass and size.

Vote Brainliest, Thx :)

Matter: A substance or material.

Ex: What is this gooey MATTER on the table?


Matter: be of importance; having significance.

Ex: Please vote! Your opinions MATTER.

If a plant grows 1/2 inch in 3/7 of a week, at rate is the plant growing? show your work


Assuming you want the rate per one week.

1/2 ÷ 3/7 = x / 1

(1/2)(7/3) = x

7/6 = x

1 1/6 = x

The plant grows one and one-sixth inches in a week.

Can someone please help me with question 1


Graduating from high school this year makes me feel a bit sad. Biology was such a fun but crazy class.

Enough of my sentiments; I'm here to help, :-).

This answer is dependent upon what ecosystem you choose your project over.

So, abiotic factors are nonliving things in an ecosystem. Biotic factors are living organisms and anything alive.

For instance, if you choose a pond for your ecosystem then the water, soil, maybe trash would be abiotic factors. Some could argue there is living material within the water and soil but those abiotic factors are not alive. I mean water is not alive but it could be a home to biotic factors like microorganisms such as protozoans and worms. The grass and trees and animals around a pond would be biotic factors.

Hope you get the idea. if there's any questions then leave a comment and I'll help. Good luck!
my answer is the same as her (SORRY) ( I need some points to ask my question)

Wich is the most abundant element in erath's crust


 The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is Oxygen; with a whopping  46.1%
Dirt, stone(I think), Oxygen, and H²O ←water← is all I can think of. :-) the letter of the protein that is not normal in people with sickle-cell diseaseA.MUCUS B. HEMOGLOBIN C.RED BLOOD CELLS D.CLOTTING PROTEIN


B. HEMOGLOBIN. In sickle cell anemia, the hemoglobin is mutated or abnormal and it gives the red blood cells a crescent shape. This abnormal hemoglobin is referred to as hemoglobin S.