At what age is the difference between the average height boys and girls


Answer 1
Answer: Hey There! 

The age that determines difference between the average height boys and girls, is 5 to 8.

Have A Brainly Day :)

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 To create a brighter future in which people lead better lives, society must find ways to resolve these pressing issues. At NEC we believe the know-how and technology we have accumulated throughout our 100-plus year history of innovation can make a genuine difference. We are committed to using our cutting-edge ICT (information and communications technology) to resolve various societal issues so this will help

A square block of steel with volume 10 cm3 and mass of 75 g is cut precisely in half. The density of the two smaller pieces is now...a. the same as the original density.
b. one-half the original density.
c. two times the original density.
d. one-fourth the original density.


a. Density only depends on the substance. It doesn't matter whether you have a little chip of it or a supertanker full of it ... the density doesn't change.


a. the same as the original density.


The density of a material depends only on the properties of the material, so if a block of steel is cut in a half, it is still made of the same material (steel), so it still has the same density.

We can verify it by doing some calculations. In fact, the initial density of the block of steel is given by the ratio between its mass (75 g) and its volume (10 cm^3):

d=(m)/(V)=(75 g)/(10 cm^3)=7.5 g/cm^3

When the block is cut in a half, its mass becomes half:

m' = (m)/(2)=(75 g)/(2)=37.5 g

and its volume also becomes half:

V'=(V)/(2)=(10 cm^3)/(2)=5 cm^3

So the new density is

d'=(m')/(V')=(37.5 g)/(5 cm^3)=7.5 g/cm^3

So, the density has not changed.

compare the different ways a musician changes the pitch while playing a stringed instrument or playing a wind instrument


(This is from experience so sorry if it's wrong but) When wind instruments are played, sometimes the notes go flat or sharp depending on the speed the player blows air into the instrument as well as the warmth of the air. When playing a string instrument, the pitch can be changed in many ways. For example, when the player places their fingers on the string depending on which part of the tip of the finger you use, the tone of the sound and sometimes the pitch, changes. Looking at the question in a different way, you can change the pitch and the range of notes you can reach on the instrument (both wind and string) by changing the note you tune your instrument to. Hope this helps!!

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I tried dude, but someone got rid of my helpful resource...

6. Directions: Drag each item to the correct location on the diagram. Many of the astronomical events that can be witnessed from the Earth's surface can be explained by the Earth's revolution and its rotation.Which of the following phenomena are best explained by the Earth's revolution around the Sun, and which are best explained by the Earth's rotation along its axis?

Which of these go under- Earths Rotation and which go under- Earths Revolution

the Moon's movement
during one night

changing seasons

a sunrise

the Sun's changing
midday height over
several days

passing years

a sunset


rotation- sunset,sunrise,moons movement

all the others are revolution

leave a thanks if i answered your question 
Earth's daily rotation:
--  the Moon's movement during one night
a sunrise
--  a sunset

Earth's yearly revolution:
--  changing seasons
--  the Sun's changing midday height over several days
--  passing years