English long vowels
According to the passage, mores in preliterate cultures concerned skills such as warfare and food-gathering because these skills were:
1. Essential for survival: In preliterate cultures, warfare and food-gathering were crucial for the survival and well-being of the community. These skills were necessary for protection against enemies and for obtaining sustenance from the environment.
2. Passed down through generations: In preliterate cultures, knowledge and expertise in warfare and food-gathering were typically acquired through direct experience and learning from older generations. The mores of the society focused on preserving and transmitting these skills to ensure the community's continued survival.
3. Linked to cultural identity: The skills of warfare and food-gathering were deeply ingrained in the cultural identity of preliterate societies. They were not only practical skills but also tied to traditions, rituals, and social roles within the community. Upholding and practicing these skills helped maintain the cultural cohesion and sense of identity among the members.
In summary, mores in preliterate cultures focused on skills such as warfare and food-gathering because they were essential for survival, passed down through generations, and connected to the cultural identity of the community.
B. Pablo Picasso
C. Wassily Kandinsky
D. Vincent van Gogh
Answer: D. Crows over Wheatfield by Vincent van Gogh
Give a picture
B. Australia
C. Northern Africa
D. Latin America