-"The Lady, or the Tiger?"
-"The Necklace"
-none of these
None of these
None of these stories take place in a gambling parlor. The setting of a narrative is both the time and the geographic location in which the story takes place. This is true of both fiction and nonfiction. The setting helps set the mood for a story, and it also provides the backdrop for the plot, character, theme and style of the story.
The format and structure of this document are very formal. The document is intended for public use, and therefore, it contains basic information that applies to most people and that is relevant to both parties concerned. Moreover, it is user-friendly, coherent and concise in order to reduce confusion among users.
Some of the feature that make it user friendly are the fact that each section is numbered, that the formatting of letters and headings is maintained constant and that the sections that need to be completed are highlighted.
MRS. HALE. I’d hate to have men coming into my kitchen, snooping around and criticizing.
Answer:C INtruding
c. solo lyrics
b. opening line
d. title
The right answer is "a. refrain ".
The explanation for this answer is that the refrain serves to reaffirm to those who are reading, the meaning of the work, then there will be the key words for the understanding of that meaning. In the case of the unison poem it is used to affirm the thought that is expressed. It better explains the main meaning of the poem.