Which of the following is the best name for a compound made from nitrogen and oxygen? (N2O3) nitrogen oxide nitrogen II oxide nitrogen trioxide dinitrogen trioxide


Answer 1

The best name for the compound is DINITROGEN TRIOXIDE.

Each chemical compound is always represented by a chemical symbol, which shows the ratio at which each atom of the elements of the compound are combine together and this is often used in naming the compound. Looking at the compound given in the question, the compound is made up of two atoms of nitrogen and three atoms of oxygen and this fact was used in naming the compound. In naming chemical compounds, 'Di' stands for 2 while 'Tri' stands for 3. Since there are two nitrogen and three oxygen atoms in the compound, that was why it was named dinitrogen trioxide.

Answer 2
Answer: Dinitrogen Trioxide is the answer trust me

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Okay well we do not have the attachment

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Elements abundant in the body are not abundant on Earth.
a. True
b. False



false is the correct answer,


The most abundant elements present in the body is carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

About 99 percent of the human body is made of ( carbon, hydrogen,oxygen, calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.) elements and 0.85 percent is made up of sulfur, sodium, potassium, chlorine, and magnesium and these all elements are abundant on Earth.

Thus the Elements abundant in the body are abundant on Earth.

B. False
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Ideal gas is used to explain the behavior of a gas sample. In ideal gas law, the equation is PV=nRT where R has a constant of 0.0821L.atm/mol.K. It can explain the behaviior of a gas in three types: mole, mass and density. The ideal gas often observed in a high temperature with low pressure as to potential energy becomes less significant compared to the kinetic energy.

Final answer:

The concept of an ideal gas is chiefly used to explain the behavior of a gas sample according to the ideal gas law. It's not primarily used to determine the mass of a gas sample, or whether a gas is monatomic or diatomic.


The concept of an ideal gas is primarily used to explain the behavior of a gas sample. An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of randomly moving, non-interacting point particles. It follows the ideal gas law which is PV=nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. The ideal gas law allows us to predict how a gas will behave under different conditions of pressure, volume, and temperature.

The mass of a gas sample is inherently tied to the moles of gas, per the molar mass concept in the ideal gas law. As for whether a gas is monatomic or diatomic, this depends on the atomic structure and bonding of the specific gas species, and not the ideal gas concept itself.

Learn more about Concept of an Ideal Gas here:



A sample of salt (sodium chloride) is placed on the tip of a platinum wire. When the sample is heated on blue flame the flame turned yellow. Explain how this can be done to electrons in sodium atoms


So platinum is a transition metal. In general transition metals are reducers, which means they can give the electrons they have, to the sodium atoms. Also in chemistry we look at sub orbitals rather that shells(2,8,8). So due to the energy from heat, the d orbital split as electrons move to a higher energy level. Some of the electrons are given to the sodium ions and therefore the flame changes colour to yellow. 
The excitation of the electrons is caused by them getting energy and so moving up an energy level. This energy is released and the electron returns to it's original state. The energy released, however, does not release in the same direction, but in different/various directions. Therefore the colour of the light changes as some energy is released in the surrounding.

A sample of gas is held at constant pressure. Increasing the Kelvin temperature of this gas sample causes the average kinetic energy of its molecules to(1) decrease and the volume of the gas sample to decrease
(2) decrease and the volume of the gas sample to increase
(3) increase and the volume of the gas sample to decrease
(4) increase and the volume of the gas sample to increase


Increasing the temperature of a gas sample means that heat energy is been supplied to the System. When energy is been supplied heat energy is transformed into kinetic energy of the gas molecules.
Therefore kelvin temperature increases means more energy given to the system therefore average kinetic energy of molecules increase.
When the kinetic energy of molecules increase they move about more and take up more space. Hence volume too increases.
Therefore the correct answer is
4) average kinetic energy of molecules increase and volume of the gas sample increases
The answer is (4). When the pressure is constant, he temperature increasing can cause both the average kinetic energy of its molecules and the volume of gas sample increase.