Give four nutrients that are sensitive to light and four sensitive to heat


Answer 1
Answer: Actually, most vitamins are sensitive to heat, that's why over cooking your vegetable will decrease it's nutrients

Nutrients that are Sensitive to Heat :
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B1
- Viatmin B5
- Vitamin B9
But some of them also react to light ( our body increase the production of some of this nutrients if exposed to light)

- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B-Complex

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The correct answer would be option B, Antifungal Cream.

The best method for treating head lice is Antifungal Cream.


If a parent needs to check if there are lice in his or her child's head, she must look at the child's head for white dots along the scalp line. These white dots are the nits. Nits are the eggs of lice.

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Learn more about Head Lice at:


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