Can you help me with 6 please?
Can you help me with 6 please? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: 1. wrote 
2.where told or told
8.was brought back 
9.has ben brought back 
10.still continue 

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The Civil War divided the people of the United States. In some cases, the war separated families, as brothers fought against each other.The southern states were on one side of the Civil War. The South wanted to preserve slavery and its agricultural way of life. The northern states were on the other side. The North had many factories and machines, but it had very few farms. The North wanted to end slavery.The causes of the Civil War have been debated among historians for years. Many say that slavery was the root cause. Most historians agree that the Civil War had many causes. The North and South had differences in not only ways of life but also economics and ideals. There were also many arguments between the federal government and the states over rights and powers. Historians mention the disorder of American politics and the constant mistakes of politicians. All explanations for the causes of the Civil War have revolved around the issue of slavery.The grief and bitterness from this war has very slowly declined. Even today, it has not fully disappeared.1.Which of the following best summarizes this passage?Families were greatly affected by the Civil War. In some cases, brother fought against brother. The war caused much grief and bitterness that still exists to this day.Many historians have debated the cause of the Civil War over the years. Some insist that only slavery caused the war. Others argue there were other issues involved.The Civil War divided the entire United States and put brother against brother. The only result was grief and bitterness. Even today, that has not fully disappeared.The Civil War divided our country. Slavery has always been cited as a root cause of the war. Other divisive issues between the North and the South contributed, too.
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WhAt does mastodon matrix mean


1. (Palaeontology) any extinct elephant-like proboscis mammal of the genus Malamute (or Mastodon), common in Pliocene times

2. (Animals) any extinct elephant-like proboscidean mammal of the genus Mammut (or Mastodon), common in Pliocene times

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The setting



Which word correctly completes the sentence? The white-tailed __________ fawn followed closely by her side.  A.deer's  B.deers  C.deers'


the answer is A because it is saying whose fawn deer's fawn

Jamal and his mother traveled for 2 and 5/8 hours. He spent 2/3 of the time in the car sleeping and the rest of the time playing video games. How many hours did Jamal spend playing video games?


So what you do is subtract 2 and 5/8 from 2/3. 

1. make the denominators the same by using GCD
8                       | 3
8*1=8               | 3*1=3 
8*2=16             |3*2=6
8*3=24             |3*3=9    
8*4=32             |3*4=12
8*5=40             |3*5=15
8*6=48             |3*6=18
8*7=56             |3*7=21
8*8=64             |3*8=24
8*9=72             |3*9=27
8*10=80           |3*10=30

2. find which ones they have in common, and use GCD to solve for the denominator
8 and 3 both have 24
so the GCD is 24

3. put your new problem in there
2 and 5/24 - 2/24= x

4.solve your problem for x
2 and 5/24 - 2/24= 2 and 3/24

5. now simplify 2 and 3/24
2 and 3/24 divided by 3= 2 and 1/8

6. so you can say
x = 2 and 1/8


Sorry to break it to you but this is mathmatics NOT english lol!!

Which excerpt from the essay most clearly portrays imperialism with negative connotations?A) [w]ith another part I thought that the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a boyonet into a Buddhist priests guts
B) [A]fterwards I was very glad that the [indian] had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant
C) as for the job I was doing I hated it more bitterly than I can perhaps make clear. In a job like that you see the dirty work if empire at close quarters
D) I did not even know that the British empire is dying still less did I know that it is a great deal better than the younger empires that are going to supplant it.


Although all four excerpts are disgusting, we should single out one of them.

"Shooting an Elephant" George Orwell is a story of imperialism  and the ratio of the local population inhabited by Imperial Britain. Imperialism is the most powerful force in world history. It exists today, moved from the colonial era to neo-colonial or neo-imperialism. During this transition, modes and strategies were changed, but the goal remained the same - to rule and exploit the natives, using their strength, military, economic and technological.

Killing an elephant shows various aspects of imperialism, imperialism is a double sword that inflicts damage on both sides, the local population and the British officer representing the imperial empire. When he killed the animal, he had to calm the Burmese. The fact that the Burmese decides what the imperial officer must do about it, provides an ironic image of a master who becomes a slave to fulfill his racial and imperial duties. Here, Orwell asks an important question: if an officer, a good man, can be corrupted and destroyed by imperialism, what happens to those who are not so honest?

The officer is aware of the malevolence of imperialism, but he is also aware of the ways in which beasts turn locals under the influence of imperialism. Local Buddhist priests laugh at him because in essence it was not necessary to kill an elephant, which was the consequence of his clumsy decision. However, there is no greater embarrassment than laughter in the face, sent to the white officer of the British Empire.

An excerpt from "Shooting an Elephant" that best demonstrates the dual destructive influence of imperialism, both on the local and the imperialist ones, is C).


i believe answer is C for apex
