The factories mostly need large quantities of water to carry out their production precesses, however, as well as they need natural recources for their operation, they also dispose of them and a large part of the environmental contamination is due to the release of substances emitted by these. It´s very easy for toxic waste to contaminate rivers, lakes and aceans. Groundwater on the other hand is more complicated to contaminate because it´s found in aquifers below the surface of the arth, making by these factories to reach these places; althouh not impossible.
An opinion is often indicated by the use of adjectives.
An opinion is often used as evidence in a news article.
An opinion has the potential to promote bias.
Answer: He supported the creation of a national bank.
George Washington wanted a central bank because he saw it as a good instrument to run ordely and properly public finances, regulating tax, banknotes, tranfers and currency issues. The topic of a central bank created division within the government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed the idea because the Constitution did not give that power to the federal government. Nevertheless , Alexander Hamiton argued, based on the Constitution, that it was a "necessary and proper" authority for the bank for the sake of good government.
The power to collect taxes is an example of a concurrent power – it is shared between the states and national government. This means that this power is not exclusive to the state or federal government, but is held by both. Power to tax,build roads, establish bankruptcy laws, are examples of concurrent power.
Claire is likely to experience an internal noise.
It is common when you are talking to someone or when your are listening to something that your mind flies to another place. It is called internal noise and is very common in communication. In this especific case, Claire is trying to concentrated on her history professor´s lecture but an internal noise (her plans fot the upcoming weekend) doesn´t let her to keep focus on that.
Answer: Booking
Under criminal law, booking refers to the technique through which the police department tends to registers and record charges against an individual who is believed to have committed a crime or violate the law. The technique of booking usually includes; recording information and data of the inmate’s such as their description, fingerprints, photograph etc.