Grinding quartz crystals down to produce sand is an example of aa. change of state.
c. chemical reaction.
b. chemical change.
d. physical change. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Answer 1

Grinding quartz crystals down to produce sand is an example of a physical change. Correct answer: D Physical change is a change of the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition. And this is exactly what grinding quartz crystals is. A physical change differs from a chemical change in that new substances are formed.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is D because the chemical makeup has not changed. It is still the same quartz just looks different. 

Hope that helps! God bless!

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B. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is the correct answer.


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's purpose is to save the lives of the people roadways.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is the firm that is involved in reducing injuries, economic injuries, responsible for protecting the people on the roadways of America, advancing the motor wheel's protection and also reducing and preventing crashes.

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This would be a liability insurance!

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C. 23

There were 23 people who were executed that are innocent of convicted crimes since 1900.


C. 23


Executions and death sentences in the United States have remained at a historical low.

Since 1900, 23 people have been executed in one of the countries where the death penalty still prevails. The fall in the number of executions has to do with published data that reveal that 90% of the executions involved people with "significant evidence" of being in one of these groups: mental illness, intellectual disability, brain damage, severe trauma and in some cases, the group of the innocents.

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B.two four-year terms

The maximum term of the presidency under the 22nd Amendment is still adopted until today.


B.two four-year terms


The 22nd Amendment was approved in 1947 and ratified in 1951 and it established that a president that has been elected for 2 terms can't be elected anymore and also, it stated that no one can act as a president for more than two years in a term where another person was elected. This Amendent was made because at the time there were some concerns because there was no limit in the number of terms a president could serve and Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for a fourth term.

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People who would be called as very far left supporters would be A - liberals. 

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