Which group was most opposed to socialism? A. Europeans

B. labor activists

C. the wealthy

D. philosophers


Answer 1

The correct answer is: "the wealthy"

Socialism is based on the ideas of Karl Marx. Marx claimed for a social revolt, in which the majority of people in society, that he denominated the proletariats (factory workers, farmers, etc), should rise against the bourgeousie, the social class that was constituted by the minority of rich people, who owned the means of production and therefore where the employers that exploited the proletariats. Under this social system, those who were already rich would continue increasing their fortunes at the expense of the working class, that suffered awful working and living conditions.

The rich classes in society, constituted by the members of the bourgeoisie, were the ones who feared socialism as it meant a threat to the status quo and hence to their privileged position in society .

Answer 2


the wealthy is the correct answer


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In 1763 the British Parliament passed a law saying the colonists couldn't go past the Appalachian Mountains which is one thing I know, but I'm not sure of the others. 

Final answer:

The three laws passed by the British Parliament and King George from 1763 to 1765 were the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Quartering Act.


The Laws Passed by the British Parliament and King George from 1763 to 1765

In response to the debt from the French and Indian War, the British Parliament and King George passed three laws that affected the colonists. These laws were:

  1. The Sugar Act: Passed in 1764, this law imposed taxes on sugar and other imported goods in the American colonies.
  2. The Stamp Act: Passed in 1765, this law required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper, which required a tax to be paid.
  3. The Quartering Act: Also passed in 1765, this law required colonists to provide housing and supplies for British troops stationed in America.

Learn more about British laws affecting the colonists from 1763 to 1765 here:



What check does the executive branch have over the legislative branch


the legislative branch makes the laws and the executive branch enforces the laws

What two factors led the pilgrims to leave England and settle in america


on their mother country, the pilgrims did not have the privilage of freedom of religeon. as their country was an anarchy, their were rules against certain religeons other than the rolayltie's own, so they saught freedom in America, creating their own colony where they were able to practice their religeon freely
possible factors are:

religious freedom

economical pursuit, profit, $$$

opportunity of a new life

What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?


Life, liberty, religious freedom, freedom of speech, and the pursuit of happiness.

These are not guaranteed to everyone living in the US ... only to citizens of it.

freedom of speech, religion....Right to bear arms(guns)

scientists find dense rock on Earths surface that is made of magnesium and smaller amounts of aluminium and silicon. what layer of earth might this rock help scientists study?


Magnesium and Aluminum are both found in the MANTLE so the rocks will help scientists study the earth layer called the MANTLE.


As per the question, scientists find a dense rock on earth's surface that is made of Mg and smaller amounts of Al and silicon is found in Mantle beneath the earth's surface.


  • As the structural composition of the earth is made up of primarily three layers i.e earth crust, core and mantel being the second layer found just below the surface of the earth is primarily and mostly composed of Aluminum and rocks that have silicon in them.
  • So the layer that is below this is made of desert rock matter hence it's composed of Mg and iron and other elements.  
  • The study of this layer of the earth helped the scientists to identify the various types and patterns of tectonic movements inside the earth and also as this layer is responsible for the free flow of lava and magma flows at greater depths.