In case you are using USATestPrep, the answer is B. D sounds like the correct answer, but take it from someone who just got the question wrong.
How could the following terms help her succeed in the dance class:
1- Secondary Reinforcement: it is an event that becomes reinforcing through learning. An event becomes reinforcing when it joins others that were already reinforcing (praise, attention). In this case, if Katie thanks to her age and flexibility is doing well in the dance class she will feel successful (feeling of success as a secondary reinforcer)
2- Identity vs. Role confusion: Between 13 and 21 years the subject experiences the search for their personal identity and will suffer a crisis of it. In this way, leadership and adhesion are essential, as well as an adequate integration into the peer group. Presentation to others. Adolescents are very concerned to present themselves to the rest of the world, but they need that relationship in order to identify themselves. There is therefore a contradiction: I need myself (autonomy, independence), but also my social group. In this case, a social and group experience such as dance will give you a new space to share and experiment with your peers. And if it's successful even better.
3- Observational learning: According to Bandura Theory is any type of learning that occurs as a result of the contemplation of behaviors of other living beings. In this case, observing your dance teacher will help you to carry out the steps and movements of the discipline.
How could the following terms hinder her success in the class:
1- Circadian Rhythm: Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a circadian rhythm related to light. Although many times thanks to their long nights, they usually have their biological clock changed. This may generate a lot of tiredness in Kate for her class.
2- Ganglia Basal: in charge of planning, integration and control of voluntary movement, procedural learning , executive functions and participation in emotional and motivational behavior. There are disorders such as Parkinson's disease that are associated with poor functioning of the basal ganglia. And in this case it could hinder him the correct motor development to develop in the class.
3- Vestibular sense: is the portion of the inner ear that regulates functions such as balance and orientation in space. When a person suffers from a pathology in the inner ear, they may experience a wide variety of problems such as vertigo, hearing loss and nausea. This would be very inconvenient in its class
According to the author In his eyes most heroes were historic figures or well known people but as he grew older he came to realize that a hero's are not just heroic famous people who have a huge impact on history but normal everyday people who do small acts of heroism and take risks despite fears.
... and Word Impact in Informational TextWhere I Find My Heroes by Oliver Stone Close Read 1: As you ... ParagraphGist Statements1According to the author In his eyes most heroes were ... Impact and StructureHow does the author's choice in language of the passage support the author's shift in perspective about heroism?