Melissa's homeroom has raised 63% of its goal for the school fundraiser. Matt's homeroom has raised 48%. Create a situation in which Matt's homeroom raised more money than Melissa's homeroom.


Answer 1
Answer: Matt's beginning goal could have been 96 dollars and Melissa's homeroom could have had been 63 dollars.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Matt's homeroom could have raised more money than Melissa's despite having a lower percentage if their fundraising goal was higher. For instance, Melissa's room could have raised 63% of $500 ($315), while Matt's room raised 48% of $800 ($384).


The situation in which Matt's homeroom raised more money than Melissa's, despite having a smaller percentage, is possible if the two homerooms have different fundraising goals.  Let's consider the following example:

  • Melissa's homeroom has a fundraising goal of $500. They have raised 63% of it. So, they raised 0.63 x 500 = $315.
  • Matt's homeroom, on the other hand, could have a higher fundraising goal, like $800. They have raised 48% of it. So, they raised 0.48 x 800 = $384.

In this scenario, although Matt's homeroom has a lower percentage of funds raised, they have collected more money than Melissa's homeroom because their initial fundraising goal was higher.

Learn more about Fundraising here:


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If you know the answer to 

6/6 then you know the answer to 4^6 / 4^6

Both are equal to one. You could expand 4^6 to get a numerical answer.

4^6 = 4096

4096 / 4096 = 1

See comment  posted by the asker.
Well you could do  it one of 2 ways.

4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4
4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 You can do the cancellation to get


1/16 That's one way


you could do this as 


1/(4^ (8 - 6) ) = 1/4^2
1 / 4^2 = 1/16  <<<<<< answer

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simplifies to _4096_
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