Detergents are compounds that dissolve lipids. If a cell were exposed to large concentrations of detergents, which cell part would likely suffer the greatest?


Answer 1


Detergents are chemical compounds having both polar and non-polar components. They cause disruption of lipid molecules by breakdown bonds present between lipid molecules. In a cell, lipids are majorly present in cell membrane and membranes of internal cell organelles.

Thus, 'the cell part that would most likely suffer due to exposure to high concentration of lipids is cell membrane.'

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B.Living organisms create order by using energy from the sun.
C.Living organisms create order locally, but the energy transformations generate waste heat that increases the entropy of the universe.



C.Living organisms create order locally, but the energy transformations generate waste heat that increases the entropy of the universe.


Entropy is a concept of thermodynamics that measures the disorder of particles in a physical system. Living organisms create some disorder through reactions that generate waste heat so that through heat-shaped energy, organelles capable of generating macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, and higher-order complex structures are ordered.

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The correct answer would be a. autotrophs.

Autotrophs, also called producers are the organisms which are able to produce complex organic compounds such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates from simpler substances present in the environment.

They are of two types based on their source of energy:

Photoautotrophs: These are the organisms which use sunlight as the source of energy in order to produce organic compounds.

For example, green plants synthesize their own food (glucose) from carbon dioxide with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll. Oxygen is released as the byproduct. The overall process is termed as photosynthesis (photo meaning photon or light energy).

Chemoautotrophs: They get energy from electron donor compounds such as sulfur, hydrogen sulfide et cetera.

The answer A. autotrophs