A _____ rock is created when extreme heat and pressure create chemical changes or a tighter packing of minerals in a previously existing rock.A. volcanic
B. igneous
C. chemical
D. metamorphic


Answer 1


D. metamorphic


   Metamorphic rock is a type of rock derived from the metamorphosis (transformation) of magmatic or sedimentary rocks that undergo modification in their atomic composition, due to the influence of the different conditions of the environment in which they are inserted compared to the places where they were originally formed.

    In most cases metamorphic rocks form from other rocks, which are subjected to intense pressures or high temperatures. This process occurs naturally due to the intense and constant movement of the earth's core, causing the periodic movement of the planet's crust (the covering of earth and rocks that make up the planet's outer region). The movement of the crust, in turn, initiates a rearrangement in the rocks located in the upper part, being that when the magmatic and sedimentary rocks are pushed to lower levels, thus giving rise to the process of formation of the metamorphic rock.

Answer 2
Answer: a metamorphic rock is created when extreme heat and pressure create chemical changes or a tighter packing of minerals in previously existing rock :)

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The answer is 2. The fact that mechanized agriculture has replaced manual labor. Hope this helps :)


2. The fact that mechanized agriculture has replaced manual labor.


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The major reason for the oceans producing only 9% of Earth's biomass is d - Primary producers in the oceans are in effect limited by nutrients.

This is because the availability of essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus is limited in the ocean, and this limits the growth of primary producers such as plankton and seaweeds, which are the basis of the ocean food web.

As a result, there is much less biomass produced in the ocean than on land.

Final answer:

The major reason for the difference in biomass production between the world's oceans and land is the limited availability of nutrients for primary producers in the oceans and the complexity of food chains, resulting in a higher loss of biomass.


The major reason for the difference in biomass production between the world's oceans and land is the availability of nutrients and the complexity of food chains in the oceanic environment.

In the oceans, primary producers, such as phytoplankton, play a crucial role in biomass production. These microscopic organisms rely on nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus to grow and reproduce. However, the availability of these nutrients in the ocean is often limited, which restricts the growth of primary producers and subsequently reduces the overall biomass production.

Furthermore, the food chains in the ocean are much more complex compared to those on land. As energy is transferred from one trophic level to another, some energy is lost as heat or used for metabolic processes. This energy loss results in a decrease in biomass at each successive trophic level. The complexity of the food chains in the ocean leads to a higher loss of biomass, contributing to the lower overall biomass production in the oceans.

Human activities, such as overfishing and pollution, also contribute to the decline in marine biomass. Overfishing disrupts the balance of marine ecosystems, leading to a decrease in the population of certain species and a subsequent decrease in biomass. Pollution, including nutrient runoff and oil spills, can also negatively impact marine ecosystems and reduce biomass production.

Learn more about reason for the difference in biomass production between oceans and land here:



You can usually tell the difference between a caldera and crater by studying _____.-a feature's size and formation
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You can usually tell the difference between a caldera and crater by studying a feature's size and formation. In terms of size, a caldera is often relatively larger than ordinary craters. A caldera is so big that it causes explosive eruptions. In terms of formation, a caldera is a large depression caused when a magma chamber is emptied. A crater is a bowl-like formation at the top of volcanoes where lava comes out.

Why do see lighting from a distant storm before you hear thunder


Because light travels more than 800 thousand times as fast as sound does.

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A general term that literally means "white patch" is leukoplakia.

Although all the known stars rise in the east and set in the west, we might someday discover a star that will rise in the west and set in the east. Choose the correct explanation why does the statement above make sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false). This statement makes sense. The star appear to rise and set because of the sum of Earth's rotation and changing the seasons. So, in the night of solstice, the North Star could move in the opposite direction to other stars.


Final answer:

Stars appear to rise and set due to Earth's rotation, which happens from west to east. This makes all observable stars seem to rise in the east and set in the west, making it unlikely to find a star that behaves otherwise. Therefore, the correct option is option c.


The best explanation for the scenario where a star rises in the west and sets in the east is option c) This statement does not make sense. The stars appear to rise and set because of Earth's rotation. This perceived motion of the stars is due to our planet's daily rotation on its axis, not the stars themselves moving.

This rotation happens from the west towards the east, which causes stars to appear to rise from the east and set in the west. This pattern remains consistent for all observable stars from Earth. Therefore, it's not feasible to find a star that behaves contrary to this mechanism under general conditions.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: "Although all the known stars rise in the east and set in the west, we might someday discover a star that will rise in the west and set in the east." Choose the correct explanation why does the statement above make sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false).

a) This statement does not make sense. The stars moves because of the Galaxy's rotation around it center. So, during the day, al the stars must move in the same direction.

b) This statement makes sense. The North Star itself does not appear to move usually, but sometimes the precession occurs. Precession changes the tilt of Earth's axis and could make the North star set in east or rise in west.

c) This statement does not make sense. The stars appear to rise and set because of Earth's rotation. So, during the day, all the stars must move in the same direction.

d) This statement makes sense. The star appear to rise and set because of the sum of Earth's rotation and changing the seasons. So, in the night of solstice, the North Star could move in the opposite direction to other stars.

Learn more about Earth's Rotation here:



The statement does not make sense. Stars rising in the east and setting in the west is a result of the Earth's rotation from west to east. The apparent motion of stars across the sky is due to the rotation of the Earth, not the changing of seasons or the position of the North Star. While the position of the North Star does change slightly over very long periods of time due to the Earth's precession, this would not cause a star to rise in the west and set in the east. The fundamental east-to-west motion of stars is a result of the Earth's daily rotation, and it remains consistent regardless of the season or the position of the North Star.