What are some causes and effects of ww1?


Answer 1
Answer: Causes:


Militarism -
.Germany v Britain - naval rivalry
.Military leader anxious to use new tech
.Fighting in war = heroic

Alliance System:
.Triple alliance : Austria, Italy, German (AIG)
.Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia (BFR)

.Competition for colonies created tensions between European powers

.after unification of Italy and unification of Germany, other ethnic groups hoped to create their own nations (caused ethnic tension)
.encouraged European powers to build up military capacity.

.weakend power of Europe
.over 20 million killed
.rise of U.S. as global power
.framented middle east and spread nationalism
.ended Austrian-Hungarian empire
.new political boundaries drawn, east Europe
.economic disruption + war debt + economic depression = U.S. depression
.Intesnsification of women's suffrage movement.

Hope that helps! just studied this!!

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False, is the correct answer.

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Yes i took the k12 test and passed

Yes is the answer, I took the quiz and it was correct.

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