The U.S. provided them with loans, it practiced dollar diplomacy with them, American gave them money free of charge, it rebuilt their industrial complexes.
The US tried to help European nations that were destroyed by World War 1 in different ways. There was so much money spent by the US government to help in restoring this nation and supporting their prosperity. They provided a loan to them.
The answer is: Individual and to change their entire being.
Redemptive social movement tend to be seeked by the people who had a certain level of dissatisfaction toward their own character, which make them want to change their entire being. One method that often done by such people is by joining religious groups that offers some sort of salvation to their dissatisfaction.
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another for various reasons. it can be either temporary (it limited by time, could be caused by employment), permanent (when one has no plans of returning to their original home), forced(this is when one has no choice but to move.) or voluntary( when one decides to move without been forced). It can also be international migration where one moves from a certain country to another country or internal migration where one moves in the same country or region.
B. the elements simultaneously influence and are influenced by the others
C. there must be at least two people involved in the process
D. the steps of the communication process occur in the same order
the elements of the process occur in a linear fashion
The transmission model of communication describes communication as a linear, one-way process in which a sender is on purpose transmitting a message to a receiver.
Think of how a radio message is sent from a person in the radio studio to you listening in your car. The sender is the radio announcer sends a message that is transmitted by a radio tower through electromagnetic waves (the channel). The radio announcer doesn’t really know if the message is received or not, but if the equipment is working, then there is a good chance that the message was successfully received. This occurs in a linear fashion