How do organisms contribute to the carbon cycle


Answer 1
Answer: -respiration
-waste product 
-dead organisms decaying

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B) E. Coli bacteria
C) human brain cell


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by your question is the first choice or letter A.

The onion cell would not have a well-defined nucleus but would have a thick cell wall and ribosomes.

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!



onion cell


All of the following are renewable sources of energy except _______ power. A. nuclear B. solar C. geothermal D. wind


Answer: The correct answer for the fill in the blank is- A) Nuclear power.

Renewable sources of energy are those resources that can be replenished or renewed naturally. They do not run off that is they are inexhaustible.

Example of renewable sources- Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro-power.

On the other hand, non renewable source of energy are exhaustible and can not be replenished naturally.

Nuclear power ( resulted due to heat produced in the fission of atoms) is non- renewable source of energy. This is because the fuel that is used in most of the nuclear fission reactions is uranium, which is found in fixed amount on earth.      

nuclear is not a renewable source because uranium is used for nuclear power and uranium is limited.

Which is the word equation for photosynthesis


6 CO2(gas) + 12 H2O(liquid) + photons → C6H12O6(aqueous) + 6 O2(gas) + 6 H2O(liquid)  
carbon dioxide + water + light energy → glucose + oxygen + water


For short the answer im pretty sure the answer is C.

Which would be an example of a secondary consumer?A. a rabbit
B. a fox
C. a cow
D. a mouse



B. a fox


A secondary consumer is those that, to produce energy, consume primary consumers. Those are always herbivores or organisms that only eat autotrophic plants.

In this case, a rabbit and a cow are primary consumers.

The mouse is herbivores too.

The only option left is Fox.

Foxes eat other animals, they are carnivorous. This made the fox a secondary consumer.

B.a fox is a good example of a secondary consumer.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡

Explain how a trait might seem to “disappear” for a generation, and then “reappear” in the following generation.


If all of the individual in a generation receives one dominant allele and one recessive allele, then they will all show the dominant trait.

If they are bred, they will pass on the dominant allele to some of their offspring and recessive allele to others.

If an offspring receives two recessive alleles, it will show the recessive trait and therefore it will reappear.

When two true-breeding or homozygous individuals for dominant and recessive traits are crossed, the resultant is always a dominant trait. The recessive character appears in the following generation when the F1 progeny is self-crossed due to independent segregation and random fusion of gametes.

Further Explanation:

Consider Mendel's experiment on a pea plant in which he used the trait of height as tall and short. On self-pollinating the tall plants, the resulting progeny were all tall while when self-pollination was done for short plants, the resultants were all short. It was found that when true-breeding short (t) plants are bred with the true breeding tall (T) plants, the offspring results in all tall plants in the F1 generation. When this progeny is self-crossed, the F2 generation results in both tall and short plants in a 3:1 ratio.

Mendel stated that the traits are controlled by genes that are present in pairs of alleles. Each parent contributes the alleles in the pair. Allele 'T' is received from a tall parent while short parent contributes to allele’t’ and they together produce a tall plant. This is because the 'T' allele suppresses the expression of’t’ allele because of its dominant nature. Therefore,’t’ is a recessive allele, and 'T' is a dominant allele.

Cross between true-breeding tall (TT) and short (tt) plant:

Parents: TT x tt

Gametes: T x t

Progeny: Tt (tall, F1 generation)

When F1 generation is self crossed:

Parents: Tt x Tt

Gametes: T, t x T, t

Progeny: TT, Tt, Tt, tt

In the F1 generation,the recessive trait (short plant) was suppressed because of the dominance of the 'T' allele over the’t’ allele. In the following generation, the recessive trait reappeared because of the independent segregation of gametes and their random association with each other.

Learn More-

  1. Learn more about a haploid cell during meiosis
  2. Learn more about how are mitosis and binary fission similar
  3. Learn more about a dividing eukaryotic cell that is treated with a drug that inhibits the shortening of spindle microtubules. This will cause the cell division cycle to stop at the ____ stage.

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Gene interaction

Subject: Biology


True-breeding, homozygous, genes, alleles, dominant, recessive, independent segregation, random fusion, gametes, progeny, F1 generation, F2 generation.

Which of the following is a value of biodiversity? A. Climate change
B. Healthy ecosystems
C. Pollution
D. Invasive species

Is it B?


Yes it is B. Healthy ecosystems consist of mutiple animals ,living things and others Etc. The more Diverse it is the better chances everything has of substaining life and stay balanced.
you right it's the answer is b