b. False
Its base is in Dutch words, but it was affected by local, European and slave languages.
It began as just Dutch, but it transformed into a unique language that is similar to English.
Its roots are Dutch, but it was affected heavily by British English when they settled in South Africa.
It started as a language that very few people spoke and evolved into one of the most popular languages in South Africa.
Its base is in Dutch words, but it was affected by local, European and slave languages.
Afrikaans which is the official language people used during the apartheid era is known to have evolved during the 19th century in Southern Africa. The language is said to have its roots mainly in Dutch, then mixed with Khoekhoe, San languages and Portuguese.
Since the language is associated with white speakers, it was then concluded that it was a “white language”.
Full faith and credit.
The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, as the exercise explains, means that legally sanctioned marriages performed in one state should automatically be recognized by other states. Whats more, this clause dictates that all public records, rulings and decisions of a state should be honored in all states.