Which statement is true?A. Viruses produce their own energy.
B. Viruses are not living.
C. Viruses have organelles.
D. Viruses can reproduce by themselves.


Answer 1

B.  Viruses are not living.

A virus is nothing more than a packet of genetic material that does not display the characteristics of living organisms.  

Answer 2

Final answer:

Viruses are not living and they do not have organelles or produce their own energy.


The correct statement regarding viruses is B. Viruses are not living.

Viruses are considered non-living because they lack the necessary characteristics to be classified as living organisms. While they can infect and replicate within a host cell, they are unable to carry out essential life processes on their own.

Unlike cells, viruses do not have organelles and cannot produce their own energy. They are composed of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat, and they rely on host cells to replicate.

Learn more about Viruses here:



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are not valid because one of the variables was not controlled during week 2.




The quality and strength of data collected during a scientific investigation are based on how well the experiment was designed and executed. Although Manuel's experiment was correctly designed, he forgot to water one of the tomato plant groups during the second week. This means that his results are not valid because one of the variables was not controlled during week 2.

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It turns the acid lake into ph7 neutralising it making drinkable.
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Adaptation is when something gets used to living in certain place or a type of way.
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C.natural selection  

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"The control experiments are basically done to compare the main experiment and the experiment done in controlled manner so as to observe the changes and also to minimize the changing effect"


The scientists include the control in their experiments which can help them to minimize the changes and can observe the changes meticulously.  In control experiment the observation are made with minimum effect of the variables leaving the independent variable. This type of experiments help in increasing the reliability of the output. The control experiments are basically done to compare the main experiment and the experiment done in controlled manner so as to observe the changes.

**30 Points if you can help** Can anybody help answer some/all of these questions?1) Explain the difference between weather and climate.

2) How would you explain to someone why we have seasons? Why does Hawaii not have all 4 seasons like other states on the mainland?

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4) Describe how air moves in the cycle of the Hadley Cell.

5) What causes atmospheric circulation? What winds drive Hawaii's weather?



1.Climate is used to describe what the weather is like for long periods of time in a specific place. Weather is the short term changes in the atmosphere.

2.As the earth spins on its axis, producing night and day, it also moves about the sun in an elliptical (elongated circle) orbit that requires about 365 1/4 days to complete. The earth's spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons.  This is because there is only a slight variation in length of night and day from one part of Hawaii to another and because all its islands lie within a narrow latitude band.

3.As distance from the equator increases, the amount of energy and sunlight changes. In winter when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, light and energy spreads out over the tilted surface. As the Earth's axis tilts away from the Sun, the light and energy decreases with distance from the equator.

4.air rises up into the atmosphere at or near the equator, flows toward the poles above the surface of the Earth, returns to the Earth's surface in the subtropics, and flows back towards the equator.

5. The Sun heats the Earth more at the equator than at the poles. It's also affected by the spin of the Earth. In the tropics, near the equator, warm air rises. Trade winds drive Hawaii's weather.


whether is short term , months

climate is long term , years

seasons are created from the earths tilt


thats all I know good luck with the rest hope this helps :)