In the 1300's the British Parliament presided over the abdications of both Richard II and Edward II. Edward II was replaced by Edward III while Richard II was replaced by Henry IV.
Richard II (Richard of Bordeaux) was King of England from 1377 until he was deposed in 1399 and Edward II (Edward of Carnavon) served as King of England from 1307 until he was deposed in January 1327.
American Legion
Knights of Labor
National Labor Union
American Federation of Labor
-Confucius, The Analects
What advice does Confucius off the leaders in this passage?
A. A ruler should use violence to ensure that his subjects obey him.
B. A ruler should not let his family get in the way of being just a leader.
C. A ruler should groom his sons to be good rulers after he is gone
D. A ruler should make sure not to reward people who behave badly.