A: Encountering a road users that had been concealed.
If you try to pass a truck that shifted into the left lane, it is unlikely that your car be sandwiched between the truck and the curb because it is moving into the opposite side while you repassing. However, there is a great probability that you encounter a road users that you did not see at the moment you decided to take that route.
d the trucks mirror is blocking some of the lane you are squashed by the curb and truck
B) France
C) England
D) Russia
They were able to achieve democracy but there was a price. It was always a smooth transition. Some had to deal with the new environment of democracy and had to make adjustments. In some cases, old ethnic conflicts flared into full-scale wars that killed many people in the process. Some are still trying to escape the influence of their former masters.
Hint First Two Letters: Li
Lieutenant governor