How do the circulatory system and the respiratory system work together?


Answer 1
Answer: The circulatory system tends to pump blood around the whole body, while the respiratory system tend to facilitate the exchange of gas in the body so then the blood will look totally fresh. In simpler terms, the heart is connected to the lungs through the means of arteries and veins.

Answer 2


The circulatory system tends to pump blood around the whole body, while the respiratory system tend to facilitate the exchange of gas in the body so then the blood will look totally fresh. In simpler terms, the heart is connected to the lungs through the means of arteries and veins.


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I believe it's technically referred to as the Normal force.
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Compared to the air the density of helium gas is very less. The less dense helium will float on air. That's why balloon filled with He gas rise in air.

What is helium?

Helium is 2nd element in periodic table. It is a non-metal and is placed with the noble gases because it is having fully filled electronic configuration leading to the stability.

Density of a substance is the ratio of its mass to the volume. When a substance is less dense than the fluid on which it occupy, it will float on the fluid. If it is more denser it will sink on it.

The density of helium is very much lower than that of air. Therefore, the balloon filled with helium gas will rise in the air, while  the balloon with filled with air does not.

Find more on helium :


i think the answer should be D.

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T or F


I’m not completely sure but I thought no that’s true. Sorry if I’m wrong.