How and why do cells reproduce


Answer 1
Answer: Cells reproduce for 3 reasons

- And to make new kinds of cells

And how they reproduce

Scientists call the process of somatic cell division mitosis. Mitosis has six distinct steps in which the cell organizes and copies the DNA in the nucleus. Once copied, each new cell has its own copy of the DNA. The six steps of mitosis are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis. Some authorities consider the non-dividing portion of the cell’s lifecycle, known as interphase, to be one of seven steps involved in mitosis; however, interphase cells are not actively dividing. Sex cells, such as sperm or eggs, must divide differently. Sex cells only possess one-half of the DNA that makes up a new animal. That way, when they combine, the resulting organism gets half of its DNA from its mother and half from its father. Because sex cells only want half of the DNA in each cell, they go through a different division process called meiosis. In meiosis, the cells split a second time, which yields four daughter cells rather than two as with mitosis; however, this provides each daughter cell with 23 chromosomes in contrast to the 46 chromosomes in somatic cells.

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Hi There

Answer : A and B

I hope that's help :)

Final answer:

In ovaries, the final products of meiosis are haploid cells, meaning they contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. These cells combine with sperm cells, which are also haploid, to create a diploid cell during fertilization.


In biology, particularly in the process of meiosis in ovaries, the final products are haploid cells. This means they contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. The process of meiosis in the ovaries ultimately results in the creation of egg cells or oocytes, which are haploid in nature and are ready for fertilization by sperm, which are also haploid.

Thus when fertilization occurs, the egg and sperm combine their chromosomes to result in a diploid cell, or zygote, with chromosomes from both parents.

Learn more about Meiosis here:


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Distinguish between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.


For gradualism changes in species is slow an gradual, occurring in small period changes in the gene pool, whereas for punctuated equilibrium, evolution occurs in spurts of relatively rapid change with long periods of non- change.

Final answer:

Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium are evolutionary theories. Gradualism suggests a slow, constant pace of evolution, whereas punctuated equilibrium involves rapid speciation events after periods of stability.


The theory of gradualism posits that evolution proceeds gradually, with slow and continuous changes taking place over long periods of time. Species progressively mutate and adapt, leading to gradual phenotypic and genetic changes, eventually resulting in some new species over millions of years.

On the other hand, punctuated equilibrium proposes that species experience long periods of stability (equilibrium), punctuated by short, rapid events of speciation. These dramatic events involve a small segment of the population evolving quickly while the rest of the population remains unchanged, leading to a new species.

In summary, gradualism presents a slow, steady pace of evolution, while punctuated equilibrium supports the theory of sudden evolutionary jumps interspersed with periods of little to no evolutionary change.

Learn more about Evolution here:


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