Which of the following is NOT a fat soluble vitamin?vitamin A
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E


Answer 1
Answer: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that the body does not keep or store it. Any excess intake of vitamin C is expelled by the body through urination. Commonly known as ascorbic acid, this vitamin, along with eight other B vitamins, is a non-fat soluble vitamin. It can be obtained from many types of fruits ,especially citrus fruits, or other dietary supplements.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Among the given options, vitamin C is not a fat-soluble vitamin; it is a water-soluble vitamin.


The question is asking us to identify which vitamin from the given list is not a fat-soluble vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins are those that are absorbed along with fats in the diet and can be stored in the body's fatty tissue. These vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K. Therefore, among the options provided, vitamin C is not a fat-soluble vitamin. Instead, it is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning it dissolves in water, is not stored in the body, and excess amounts are excreted in urine.

Learn more about Fat-Soluble Vitamins here:



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The BEST reason to warm up before exercising is to __________.a. prevent injuries
b. reduce muscle strain
c. improve muscle performance
d. all of the above


Warming up before exercisingprevents the cause of injuries, reducing muscle strain and improve muscleperformance. The answer is letter D. The goal of warming up is to increase bodytemperature, increase neural activation, warm up the joints for our body to notbe shocked during exercising. It will get your blood flowing, clears waste fromyour muscles, and brings fluids to your joints. It will improve the performancein exercising by actively moving the joints and increase in muscularperformance at the same time eliminating injuries along the way. 

the answer is D- all of the above

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B.hamstrings and gluteus.
C.quadriceps and deltoidS.
D.rectus abdominis and erector spinae



rectus adbominis and erector spinae



b. Hamstrings and gluteus.


Explain why exercise is an important component of good physical fitness


so our body organs can function properly. being psychically fit makes us more active. we wont be tired. our minds can be at rest and we can relax knowing we have a healthy and fresh mind.

also exercise releases endomorphines and this is what makes a person more happier.

Exercise is important for physical fitness because it provides strength to our muscles.

Further Explanation

Exercise provides physical fitness and keeps the mind fresh.

Importance of exercise

Weight control

Exercise can help anticipate overabundance weight put on or help keep up weight reduction. When you participate in physical activity, you consume calories. The more exceptional the action, the more calories you consume.

Improved health conditions and diseases

Exercise on a regular basis avoids or oversee numerous medical issues and concerns, including:  

  1. Stroke  
  2. Metabolic disorders .
  3. Hypertension  
  4. Type 2 diabetes.  
  5. Misery  
  6. Nervousness  
  7. Numerous kinds of malignancy.  
  8. Joint inflammation.  

It can likewise help improve subjective capacity and helps bring down the danger of death from all causes.

Energy boost up through exercise

Regular physical activities can improve your muscle quality and lift your perseverance.  

Exercise conveys oxygen and supplements to your tissues and enables your cardiovascular framework to work all the more productively. What's more, when your heart and lung wellbeing improve, you have more vitality to handle day by day errands.

Exercise improves the state of mind  

An exercise center session or lively walk can help. Physical movement stimulates different mind synthetic compounds that may leave you feeling more joyful, increasingly loose and less restless.  

You may likewise rest easy thinking about your appearance and yourself when you practice routinely, which can support your certainty and improve your confidence.

Answer details

Subject: Health

Level: High School


  • Importance of exercise
  • Weight control
  • Improved health conditions and diseases
  • Energy boost up through exercise
  • Exercise improves the state of mind

Learn more to evaluate



Doing a warmup before exercise is important because it?


warming up before actually excersising. stretches out your muscles preparing them for any physical activity your about to do. By stretching this prevents injuries that might occur during excersising.
Doing warm up before exercise is important because it prepares the body especially for a higher level of workout. It could also avoid any injuries like muscle stiffness, strain, cramps and many more. It could even improve the blood flow of the muscles involved and the performance done by an individual.

What is the difference between cardio and strength training activities


The difference is that cardio focuses mainly on your cardiovascular system which is vital in activities such as running, swimming etc. Strength training is mainly based on well, strength. How much weight can be lifted. so the difference really speaks for itself. A runner will mostly do cardio whereas a football player will mainly focus on strength. Both can be used simaltaneously in a work out.
The difference between them are 

Cardio is cardiovascular exercise. Cardio exercise is any exercise that raises your heart rate. Face it our bodies were made to move. And we all know that to keep our muscles in shape we need move them. This movement makes them stronger and stronger muscles make for a more efficient and healthy body. Your heart is a muscle.

and Strength is 
the quality or state of being strong, in particular.