It is important to have critical friends around in order to strengthen your self-esteem.a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: It is false that it is important to have critical friends around in order to strengthen your self-esteem. Quite the opposite - it is imporant to have supportive friends who will always be there for you to help you no matter what - this is what builds self-esteem, and not "friends" who are constantly criticizing everything about you. I believe that would have the opposite effect, making you feel miserable and lonely.
Answer 2

this is just false good luck

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It depends on the hidden premises and the context, but I would argue Option B is correct. During war, fear, patriotism and national security trump civil liberties - as bad as that may be. (Muslim Americans suffered the same fate after 911)
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for plato users the answer is separation of powers between different branches of government

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The answer is, The McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. Hope I Helped!




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He was the first president born WEST of the Appalachian Mountains

The effects of tobacco use on society include high taxes and loss of life. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


It is true that the effects of tobacco use on society include high taxes and loss of life. Taxes are constantly rising when it comes to tobacco use to make people realize how awful a vice smoking is and to prevent them from using tobacco. The government believes that if the taxes are higher, fewer people will buy cigarettes, however, that is not always the truth. However, smoking does lead to many people dying due to lung cancer.

True True True Trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

now i hope u had a great spring break :)