It is impossible for those who have good intentions to have a cultural misunderstanding.a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "FALSE." Tolerance is not considered as this one, 'It is impossible for those who have good intentions to have a cultural misunderstanding.' So that makes the statement false.

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Amy lost her wallet in which she had her credit card. Her liability for the stolen credit card is:A. The amount that the thieves charge, B.$50 regardless of when she discovers the loss. C. $50 only if she notifies the bank that issued the credit card within to business days of discovering the stolen credit card. D. none of the above
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While Layne's friends enjoy her sense of humor and warmth, they are often frustrated by her inability to get places on time. Worse, she rarely calls to say she will be late, and sometimes she doesn't show up at all. She hates to commit to anything beforehand and seems to make decisions based on her moods, regardless of how those behaviors might affect others. Based on this information and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that Layne would be most likely to score LOW in



The correct answer is: Conscientiousness.


Conscientiousness is one of the five dimensions of personality described in the Big Five model of personality.

People that are highly conscientious are very dependable, reliable, responsible and punctual. They take promises very seriously and are usually very strict and reliable in their behavior.

On the other hand, people that score low on conscientiousness are typically unreliable, are more prone to irresponsible behavior and tend to be lazy and avoid commitment.

In this particular example, Layne exhibits low levels of Conscientiousness.

If you wanted to reduce your risk of contracting a communicable disease you could __________.a. take steps to reduce your immune 6
b. avoid touching your shoes or clothing
c. wash your hands often
d. start smoking



c. wash your hands often


A communicable disease is an infectuous disease that is caused by bacterias or viruses and that is passed between people. These type of diseases are spread through several forms like sneezing, coughing, unwashed hands, contact with body fluids or by being bitten by an insect. So, according to this, the answer is that if you wanted to reduce your risk of contracting a communicable disease you could wash your hands often to avoid spreading germs.

c. wash your hands often. Historically, the Plague could have been reduced some if only people had washed their hands more often.

An ethnographer undergoes policy academy training to learn how police recruits are socialized into the culture of law enforcement. The other recruits and trainers know he/she is conducting research. What type of ethnographic observational role is this? Complete observer Observer-as-participant Peripheral-member researcher Active-member researcher Complete-member researcher



Active-member research


An ethnographic analysis is one that results from ethnographic research, a qualitative approach in which researchers immerse themselves entirely in the life, community or circumstance they are researching.

The purpose of ethnographic research is to try to understand what happens naturally in the setting and to analyze the data collected in order to see what implications might be extracted from the data.

Here, the ethnographer undergoes policy academy training just to learn how police recruits are socialized into the culture of law enforcement. He relates to the ACTIVE-MEMBER RESEARCHER ethnographic observational role. He had to be fully into the system and also actively work with them, in order to get forst hand informations and observations.

Upon graduating from college, Kathy announced her plans to enter law school the following fall and to marry Rick in December. Kathy's father was afraid that marriage during her first year in law school might cause her to fall behind in her studies or cause her to drop out of school. He called Kathy and promised her $10,000 if she postponed her wedding until after completion of her first year of law school. Kathy agreed and postponed the wedding for a year. Kathy successfully completed her first year of law school, but soon thereafter, Kathy's father died. The administrator of her father's estate claimed she was not entitled to the $10,000 because there was no consideration for her father's promise. If Kathy sues the estate, she will probably be?



successful, as there was consideration          


          Kathy postponed her marriage with Rick for a year till she completes her first year of law school because Kathy's father promised her $10,000 to her f she postpones her marriage for a year.

          But soon after Kathy completes her first year in law school her father died before giving Kathy $10,000 as he promised. But the administrator says that there was no consideration for her father's promise so she will not be entitled to  $10,000.

            Now if Kathy sues the estate, Kathy will probably be successful in suing the estate because there was a consideration as Kathy's father promised her for  $10,000 if she postpones. So she can sue the estate.

Thus the answer is --

successful, as there was consideration        

In the United States, overall, the cost of speeding did not contribute to the cost of crashes. a. True
b. False


It is false that in the United States, overall, the cost of speeding did not contribute to the cost of crashes. As a matter of fact, it did.




What issues faced the World climate change summit 2015



  • The Nation of the World met in Paris to conclude a new treaty on Climate Change in December 2015.
  • The agreement they made in the summit apply to all countries whether its developed or underdeveloped not only to the developed countries.
  • In the summit, they set the target of keeping the earth temperature rise well below two degrees of Celsius above the pre-industrial level.

In the final meeting of the Paristalks on climate change on Saturday night, the debating chamber wasfull and the atmosphere tense. Ministers from 196 countries sat behindtheir country nameplates, aides flocking them, with observers packedinto the overflowing hall.World leaders hail Paris climate deal as ‘major leap for mankind’Read more

John Kerry, the US secretary of state, talked animatedly with hisofficials, while China’s foreign minister Xie Zhenhua wore a troubledlook. They had been waiting in this hall for nearly two hours. TheFrench hosts had trooped in to take their seats on the stage, ready toapplaud on schedule at 5.30pm – but it was now after 7pm, and theplatform was deserted.

After two weeks of fraught negotiations, was something going badly wrong?

Then at 7.16pm, the French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, returnedabruptly to the stage, flanked by high-ranking UN officials. Thelast-minute compromises had been resolved, he said. And suddenly theywere all on their feet. Fabius brought down the green-topped gavel, asymbol of UN talks, and announced that a Paris agreement had beensigned. The delegates were clapping, cheering and whistling wildly,embracing and weeping. Even the normally reserved economist Lord Sternwas whooping.

Outside the hall, a “Mexican wave” of standing ovations rippledacross the conference centre as news reached participants gatheredaround screens outside for the translation into their own language. The50,000 people who attended the summit had been waiting for this moment,through marathon negotiating sessions and sleepless nights.

The contrast with the last global attempt to resolve climate change,at Copenhagen in 2009, which collapsed into chaos and recriminations,could not have been greater. In a city recently hit by terrorist attacksthat left 130 dead and scores more critically injured, collective willhad prevailed.