Transitional words function is to facilitate the transition of the sense of a paragraph. The word Some doesn't indicate transition, it's function is indicative: some people, some foods, some fruits.
Answer: B. That the poet has decided to delete verses between the first and second stanza
Explanation: Ellipsis is a mark consisting of three periods or dots, historically with spaces in between, before, and after them ". . . ", but nowadays a single character "..." which is used to indicate that words have been omitted in a text or that they are missing or illegible.
The effect created by the use of ellipsis at the stanza's end is to indicate, therefore that the poet has decided to delete verses between the first and second stanza of the poem.
The girls are trying to get work. The prettier ones can get jobs in the stores when there are any, or waiting on table, but these jobs are only for the attractive and the adroit. The others, the real peasant, have a more difficult time. . . .
A girl we have seen every day all summer went crazy yesterday at the YW. She went into hysterics, stamping her feet and screaming.
She hadn’t had work for eight months. “You’ve got to give me something,” she kept saying. The woman in charge flew into a rage that probably came from days and days of suffering on her part, because she is unable to give jobs, having none. She flew into a rage at the girl and there they were facing each other in a rage both helpless, helpless.
Source: LeSueur, Meridel. “Women on the Breadlines.” 1932. Literature and Society: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Nonfiction. Ed. Pamela J. Annas and Robert C. Rosen. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1994. 852-54. Print.
What is one of the themes in this piece?
A.Women have a much harder time getting work than men, but they are more patient.
B.Women are suffering, and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight.
C.Poverty, hunger, and unemployment lead to frustration and violence.
D.Any woman can find employment if she makes herself presentable.
Central Route to Persuasion
There are times when people are motivated to pay attention to the facts during a speech or other persuasive communication and during those times are persuaded the most by a strong logical argument.