Memoir is a personal story of the past, based on memory. It can be short (like a short story) or it can be book-length. Its focus on memory distinguishes it from the personal essay, which presents a particular insight the author packages in a personal narrative. the difference between a story and a memoir is Both involve written depictions of personal experiences. ... A key difference is that a narrative focuses on an event, while a memoir centers on an individual, who is usually the writer of the book.
An author may choose to write a memoir in order to describe a personal experience. A memoir allows the author to give readers access to his personal thoughts, feelings, and recollections during an experience, aspects that are unique to the writer and that can be expressed in the writer’s own voice as he reflects on the experience.
The correct answer is that The news source's coverage would have bias whether intentional or not. Unless the news presented the entire speech without commentary, the news source would have to make relatively biased decisions about which part of the speech to show and which parts to not show.
usatestprep answer and explanation
News sources are heavily subjected to bias. If you read the transcript, you are free to make your own interpretations. But if you read the news coverage, you must listen to their interpretations. There are times when you mught want to do this, such as if you want to gauge political opinion/stance and see people's reactions, but if you want to form your own, you should read the source. It's kind of like reading a review of a movie. It gives a good and accurate summary, and takes way less time than watching the film, but you're missing out on a huge part of the experience if you only read the review
Reasons: The Females will be safe at home ( in many countries if woman get pregent they wouldn't be safe at home).
They might not be able to take care of their kid or give them the best life.
Mental or physical disabilities
As for agurments I'm not sure, but I gave some reasons you could use if you want.
I dont think that because a baby might have disabilities gives us the right to kill them. People with disabilities have been the some of the most happy people i have ever met. They don't let their disabilities get the best of them and so they just live and enjoy their lives. Its not fair to us to make a decision so permanent. Babies never chose to be conciceved, it is our own fault. If you are going to have an abortion anyways then don't get pregnant in the first place. Use birth control and things like that, don't end an innocent life because of your decicions.