What is the difference between cake flour and regular flour


Answer 1
Answer: Cake flour is more refined, it's particles are smaller.  We are talking about white flour not whole wheat flour.

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How a person can have power and prestige without a large income?


It all depends on how well you do with money on a basis, like can control yourself from buying things that you don’t need but you want and also you can have connections with people that have higher quality of life or you can invest in to a lot of things

Final answer:

Power and prestige can be attained through inherited wealth, philanthropy, decision-making roles in business and media, and positions of community leadership where wealth is accumulated and distributed equitably.


In U.S. society, power and prestige can come from several sources other than a largeincome. You can inherit it as 'old money,' or it may come through philanthropy, where you organize benefits for people. Examples of these types of individual include Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian who capitalized on their social status and converted it into a form of celebrity prestige.

Power and prestige can also come from being in a position of leadership and making decisions that affect a large number of people. For example, if you run a major business or media outlet, you can influence job statuses, collective identity, and cultural attitudes respectively.

Another way to achieve power and prestige is by being a 'big man' in a community, acting selflessly in accumulating and distributing wealth and serving the community. Power, in this case, is persuasive, not coercive, and the importance is placed on service to the community and equitable distribution of wealth.

Learn more about Achieving Power and Prestige here:



Which best describes the concept of motivation?Motivation is an internal desire to accomplish all goals you encounter.

Motivation accounts for the effort, persistence, and intensity you give a task.

Motivation only happens in certain conditions, but you will always know when you feel a desire.

Motivation is a way to control other people to do the actions and accomplish the goals that are important.


Which best describes the concept of motivation?

Motivation accounts for the effort, persistence, and intensity you give a task.

Motivation is an internal desire to accomplish all goals you encounter.

Are there treatment options for chlamydia, and what are the long-term complications and risks associated with this infection?Chlamydia is a virus that cannot be cured, but treatments can help reduce the symptoms, delay the spread of the infection throughout the body, and reduce the risk of cancer.
Chlamydia is a virus that can be vaccinated against as a preventative measure, but if a person does contract the disease, it will damage the reproductive organs and cause infertility.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be cured with antibiotics, but if it is left untreated, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, pain, and increase the chances of contracting HIV.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can only be cured with antibiotics if it is treated early on, otherwise it progresses to stage two, which causes infertility and joint pain.


The treatment options for chlamydia and what are the complications and long-term risks associated with this infection are C. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be cured with antibiotics, but if left untreated, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, pain and increase the chances of contracting HIV.

Chlamydiae are a type of bacteria that cause chlamydia (a very common bacteriological disease) that is usually transmitted by:

  • sexual contact (oral, an.al, and vagina).
  • contact with body fluids.

This disease has very few or no symptoms so it is very difficult to know if it is in the body. However, among the most frequent symptoms are:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge (women)
  • Burning sensation when urinating (men and women)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse (men and women)
  • Itching and discharge from the penis (men)

Additionally, this disease, despite not presenting serious symptoms, can affect the health of the person because if it is not cared for, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, pain and increase the chances of contracting HIV.

Therefore, it is best to have a urine test to know if you have this disease and if you have it, perform a treatment with antibiotics for several days to eliminate this bacteria. According to the above, the correct answer is C.

Finally, options A, B, and D are not correct because they mention symptoms that do not correspond to chlamydia infections.

Learn more in:

Are there treatment options for chlamydia, and what are the long-term complications and risks associated with this infection?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can only be cured with antibiotics if it is treated early on, otherwise it progresses to stage two, which causes infertility and joint pain.
(It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.)

(men, women and babies, chlamydia can be treated with various antibiotics. The selected treatment depends on the patient and severity of the infection.)

Key signs of an alcohol overdose include


Alcohol poisoning is a result ofoverdosing from ingested alcoholic drinks. It is considered as an emergency andneeds immediate medical attention when the following symptoms are seen in anindividual: confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing (about less than 8completed breaths per minute), irregular breathing (there are 10 second gaps inbetween breaths), blue or pale skin, and excessively low body temperature.The worst symptom of alcoholpoisoning is when a person passes out and cannot be awakened. This requiresimmediate help of professionals and should not be taken lightly. 

Symptoms or signs of an alcohol overdose that we should aware are  

  1. Slow or irregular breathing
  2. Poor coordination
  3. Low body temperature
  4. Vomiting and choking
  5. Unconsciousness and confusion

Further explanation

Alcohol overdose or alcohol poisoning can happen when someone drink too much alcohol in a short time. It is a serious condition and needs immediate medical treatment. If you suspect someone is an overdose, call the emergency. Here some tips that we can follow for helping a drunk person:

  1. Stop them from drinking more alcohol beverages.
  2. Drive them home or help them get home safely.
  3. Place them on their side, not on their back to keep the airway open if they start vomiting. If they lay on their back the vomit may make them choke.
  4. Call 911 right away because it's a life-threatening condition.

Here some way to prevent alcohol overdose:

  1. Instead of alcohol beverages, choose non-alcoholic.
  2. Eat before or while drinking alcohol may slow its absorption into your body.
  3. Drink only light to moderate amount of alcohol beverages.
  4. Avoid binge drink.

Learn More

Driving under the influence (DUI) brainly.com/question/1178728

BAC factors brainly.com/question/826810

Alcohol tolerance brainly.com/question/1931861

Keywords: alcohol overdose, alcohol poisoning, overdose sign, overdose symptoms

List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training


The order of the four activities in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom would be:

1. Homework

2. Weight training

3. Soccer practice

4. Walking 30 minutes to school

The physical activity pyramid lists the least to most recommended activity options from top to bottom (refer to the attached image). Thus, homework would be on top, since, it involves sitting. Next would be weight training, since it is a strength activity, followed by soccer (a recreational activity), and finally, walking for 30 minutes.

If we we were to list soccer practice, homework, walking for 30 minutes, and weight training into a pyramid from top to bottom, where we would take in account the amount of stress each of these have on our body, we would most likely put weight lifting on top, followed by soccer practice and then walking for 30 minutes with homework being on the bottom.

What is the purpose of HIPAA as it relates to medical transcription?


HIPAA is basically for privacy, anytime you transcribe something you must do it in a way where it wont give away the patients Identity to anyone whose not apart of the patients medical triage team
HIPAA is basically for privacy, anytime you transcribe something you must do it in a way where it wont give away the patients Identity to anyone whose not apart of the patients medical triage team.

Hope this helps.