- show confidence in the South Vietnamese forces
- lower inflation in the United States
-relieve the pressure of discontent at home
The First Great Awakening in the American colonies was a set of impassioned spiritual revivals that disseminated across the colonies of America in the late phase of the 1730's and early phase of 1740's. The revival movement lastingly influenced Protestantism as followers attempted to recreate personal piety and spiritual dedication. The Great Awakening signified the appearance of Anglo-American evangelicalism as a denominational move among the Protestant religions.
World War II
At Behavioral Theories of Leadership we seek to define leadership by observing group behaviors. Thus, after studying the behaviors that exist in leadership, it would be enough to create training programs that modify and adopt people's behaviors with a view to becoming leaders.
Several studies have been carried out on the style of behavior of leaders, of which those made at the universities of Ohio and Michigan can be highlighted.
Ohio researchers aimed to identify the dimensions of the leader's behavior. It was concluded that there were two categories capable of describing most of the leader's behaviors, which were the initiation of the structure (definition of objectives and promotion of the execution of tasks) and consideration (establishment of mutual trust, respect for subordinates' ideas) , friendly relations).
As for studies carried out at the University of Michigan, two categories of behavior were identified, namely the orientation towards production and the orientation towards the employee. Employee-oriented leaders were associated with high group productivity and high job satisfaction. In contrast, production-oriented leaders led to less group productivity and less job satisfaction, being primarily concerned with completing tasks and less with interpersonal relationships.