according to the biological species concept, individuals belong to the same species if they can interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring. prezygotic and postzygotic barriers ensure that members of different species do not reproduce with one another. this diagram shows some of these barriers along with examples of the barriers at work.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one:
(1) behavioral isolation (prezygotic) = differences in mating rituals or displays
(2) temporal isolation (prezygotic) = differences in the timing of mating(3) habitat isolation (prezygotic) = differences in habitat occupied
mechanical isolation (prezygotic) = reproductive structure incapability
gametic isolation (prezygotic) = sperm and egg are incompatible
reduced hybrid viability (postzygotic) = hybrid offspring are produced but are feeble or unable to compete for mates
reduced hybrid fertility (postzygotic) = hybrid offspring are produced but are sterile

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Which type of RNA carries the genetic information from DNA to the site of protein synthesis?


The type of RNA that carries genetic information to the site of protein synthesis is messenger RNA or mRNA in short.

The first step for this to occur takes place in the nucleus of the cell in a process called transcription. In this process, the genetic information for the synthesis of a particular protein is copied onto mRNA, in a triplet base format and it is in code,

mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters into the cytoplasm of the cell where it attaches itself to a ribosome. A ribosome is the site where proteins are synthesized and is also nicknamed the "work bench" of the cell.

Another type of RNA called tRNA then reads the coded information on the attached mRNA and recognizes a triplet of bases on it and decodes the information. This process is called translation. tRNA then fetches the amino acid that corresponds to that triplet of bases from the cytoplasm and into the ribosome where the amino acid is linked to others to form a chain and  thus a protein.

Which term best describes the change from more light-colored moths to more dark-colored moth


The answer is industrial melanism.

During the Industrial revolution, due to pollution, trees become darker in the urban area. Light-colored moths were, thus, easy prey. The dark-colored moths were able to camouflage on dark trees and avoid predators. The phenomenon is known as industrial melanism. So, in polluted urban areas, the number of dark-colored peppered moths increased. In the clean environment, were much effective in hiding from predators and they outnumbered the dark-colored moths. 

Answer: acquired


which statement below BEST summarized the role of the DNA molecules in cells? a) guides cell division b protects cells from infection c provides the instructions for making proteins d regulates the chemical processes that provide the cell with energy


The statement that best summarized the role of the DNA molecules in cells is c provides the instructions for making proteins. DNA molecule carries information from protein synthesis. During transcription, the sequence of nucleotides in DNA is transcribed into the sequence of nucleotides of mRNA. The sequence of mRNA serves as a template for protein synthesis during translation.

Name five substances that are transported in blood plasma



"nutrients" such as "water", glucose , amino "acids", "minerals" and "vitamins".

Water substances, such as "carbon dioxide" and urea.

I hope this helps.
I listed 7 hope that's ok there in "parentheses".

What are the abiotic factors & biotic factors of sea otters?


the biotic factors would be the sea animal itself and the abiotic factor would be the sea, or the food, sunlight, every non living thing

Why are catfish and carp found at the mouth of a river, while trout are found nearer the source?



The correct reason would be "the levels of dissolved oxygen at the mouth of the river and at the source of the river".

The mouth of the river is the region where it flows into the ocean, lake, another river, reservoir, sea et cetera. The level of dissolved oxygen in this region is too low to support great biodiversity.

Organisms like catfish and carp can survive here due to their low oxygen demand. For example, catfish can survive in water with an oxygen content of 2.5 parts per million.

In contrast, the level of dissolved oxygen is higher at the source of the river. Organisms like trout are found here due to their high oxygen need. For example, rainbow trout require minimum 5-6 parts per million dissolved oxygen for its survival.

Catfish and carp require less oxygen than trout. The mouth of a river usually has less oxygen and the area closer to the source has more oxygen, so since catfish and trout require more oxygen they typically are found at the source.