according to the enotes, _____________ certification of your company can prove to other companies that your company is committed to sustainability at an organizational level.


Answer 1
Answer: This certification is called ISO 1400.

This certification shows that the company is trying to reduce its negative impact on the environment, that it follows all the laws which mean to protect the environment and also that the company is constantly improve its own environment-friendliness

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Why did the slogan Peace Land and Bread appeal to the Russian people?


The Russian people were tired of the conflicts, so they wanted peace. Lenin promissed to give the land to peassants - land. Finally the country was troubled by extreme poverty at the time, and so bread meant providing people with the basic things they needed.

Therefore, peace, land and break answered to the most urgent needs of the Russian people, and this is why it appealed to them so much.

The slogan 'Peace Land' and 'Bread appeal' appealed to the Russian people during the Russian Revolution because of their dire living conditions. This was one of the main reasons that the Bolsheviks were able to gain power in Russia.

What was the Revolution?The Russian Revolution was a period of political and social unrest in Russia during the early 20th century, consisting of two main revolutions in 1917. In the first, the February Revolution, the Tsarist government was overthrown and replaced by a Provisional Government. The second, the October Revolution, saw the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seize power and establish the world's first communist government.The majority of the population in Russia at the time were poor and had been hit hard by World War I. The war had drained the country's resources and caused widespread famine. The slogan 'Peace Land' and 'Bread appeal' appealed to the Russian people because they wanted an end to the war and the promise of food on their tables. This made the Bolsheviks very popular among the working class and peasants.In summary, the slogan 'Peace Land' and 'Bread appeal' appealed to the Russian people because it promised an end to the war and the promise of food on their tables. These were the most pressing issues for the majority of the population at the time, and the Bolsheviks promised to address them.

People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than you think, because in addition to the federal income tax, there are many other Federal, State, and local taxes, including sales taxes, inheritance taxes, state income taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and others.These are just some of the most obvious ones.a. Taxes are much too high.
b. We pay more taxes than we may realize.
c. Inheritance taxes and real estate taxes are unfair.
d. Some taxes are hidden.


According to above equation, these are just some of the most obvious ones include option: B We pay more taxes than we realize.

What is the term Tax about?

Tax is generally defined as the charge levied on the income of particular individual or corporation.

In case of tax, a company and an dwellers have to pay the more than the realizable amount because the tax amount include not only income tax but also the other Federal, State and local taxes, which together would be higher than the federal income tax separately.

Moreover, it should be believing that some taxes are hidden which would not be enough to state that taxes are too high.

Therefore, Correct option is B.

Learn more about Tax, refer to the link:


b) We pay more taxes than we realize


We may come to believe that taxes are too high (a) because we believe that some taxes, such as income tax, take away a lot of money, but we are not really considering the other Federal, State and local taxes, which together would be higher than the federal income tax separately.

It is true that some taxes may seem unfair, such as inheritance taxes or real estate (c), but considering them unfair does not necessarily establish that they are too high.

Similarly, believing that some taxes are hidden (d) would not be enough to state that taxes are too high.

Therefore, the statement that would best represent this section would be that we actually pay more taxes than we think (b).

Applicants for naturalization a0 allegiance to the foreign countries of which they were formerly citizens.


Applicants for naturalization RENOUNCE allegiance to the foreign countries of which they were formerly citizens

And they swear their allegiance to the United States in various aspect of his lives, whether it's economy, social, Accomplishments, etc.
Applicants for naturalization have to renounce their former allegiance. If you come from a country in Europe and would like to become a citizen of the US, you have to renounce your citizenship of that previous country. 

According to erikson, adolescence is to identity as late adulthood is to


According to erikson, adolescence is to identity as late adulthood is togenerativity. at adulthood, people's most important aspect is work or career and family. this is the time when people have the biggest responsibility and control over things. this also the time when people become stagnant, life become routine

Which of the following statements is closely associated with the Republican party? A. Government should help improve the lives of people. B. Government should limit its role in people's lives. C. Government should rule with absolute power. D. Government should remain strong through economic hardships.


The statement; (b.) The government should limit its role in people's lives states closely associate with the Republican Party. The Republican Party believes in the American conservatism that contrasts the Democrats modern liberalism and supports the free market capitalism.

-economics- How does gasoline pollute the air? use the notes below to help you write your answer.Gasoline use the contributes to air pollution The vapors given off when gasoline evaporates and the substances produced when gasoline is burned (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and unburned hydrocarbons) contribute to air pollution. Burning gasoline also produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.



Gasoline emissions release carbon dioxide in the air. Since it's a greenhouse gas, its trapped in the Earth's atmosphere and increasing the temperature, contributing to habitat loss and storm surges.