What is the meaning of intervention in the following sentence? The growing conflict was stopped, thanks to Steven’s intervention. A. creating bad feelings B. sharing of ideas C. coming in between D. stopping all motion


Answer 1
Answer: C. Steven came in between to sides of an argument in order to prevent conflict.

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Identify the rule that explains why adorn should not be divided. Do not divide a one-syllable word. Do not separate a one-letter syllable from the rest of the word. A two-letter word ending should not be carried over to the next line. Do not divide proper nouns or proper adjectives.

What is an interrogative pronoun?


An interrogative pronoun is a questioning pronoun, used when asking. For instance the five Ws - who, what, where, when, why. 
In this sentence - How could that be you moron? - the interrogative pronoun is 'How'. 

(I couldn't think of a more suitable question, and I apologise for the use of the word moron - In no way are you a moron I just used it in the question)! :) 

An interrogative pronoun is a questioning pronoun, used when asking. For instance the five Ws - who, what, where, when, why.

In this sentence - How could that be you moron? - the interrogative pronoun is 'How'.

Squeaky is the _____ of "Raymond's Run."antagonist
point of view



The answer is protagonist

“Robin Hood and the Scotchman”Now bold Robin Hood to the north would go,
With valour and mickle might;
With sword by his side, which oft had been try’d,
To fight and recover his right.

The first that he met was a jolly stout Scot,
His servant he said he would be;
No quoth Robin Hood, it cannot be good.
For thou wilt prove false unto me.

Thou hast not been true to sire or cuz:
Nay marry, the Scot he said;
As true as your heart, I never will part,
Good master be not afraid.

But e’er I employ you, said bold Robin hood,
With you I must have a bout;
The Scotchman reply’d, let the battle be try’d,
For I know I will beat you out.

Thus saying, the contest did quickly begin,
Which lasted two hours and more;
The blows Sawney gave bold Robin so brave,
The battle soon made him give o’er.

Have mercy, thou Scotchman, bold Robin Hood cry’d,
Full dearly this boon have I bought;
We will both agree, and my man you shall be,
For a stouter I never have fought.

Then Sawney consented with Robin to go,
To be of his bowmen so gay;
Thus ended the fight, and with mickle delight
To Sherwood they hasted away.

Source: “Robin Hood and the Scotchman.” The Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads. Ed. John Mathew Gutch, William Hone, Francis Douce, and Edward Francis Rimbault. London: John Russell Smith and Joseph Lilly, 1750. 392-93. Google Books. Web. 24 June 2011.

How would you describe the rhyme scheme of this poem?



In order to obtain the rhyme scheme of a poem is necessary to analyze the ending sound of each line, once this is identified we assign a letter in order every time the ending sound change and repeat it when the sound is repeat, for example:

  • Now bold Robin Hood to the north would go,  A (first sound)
  • With valour and mickle might;    B (different sound than the previous one)
  • With sword by his side, which oft had been try’d, C (different sound than the previous two)
  • To fight and recover his right.    B (Same sound that in the second line)

According to these the rhyme scheme of this poem would be described as ABCB.

ABCB - every 2nd and 4th lines rhyme, while the 1st and 3rd do not rhyme with any

The term connotation is used to describe the multiple meanings that can be attributed to a single word; denotation refers to the idea that context may be used to lend emotional weight to a word. a. True
b. False


It is false that the term connotation is used to describe the multiple meanings that can be attributed to a single word, and that denotation refers to the idea that context may be used to lend emotional weight to a word. It is quite the opposite, actually. 




Denotation shows literal or dictionary meanings of a word.  

Connotation refers to a feeling suggested by a word, i.e some emotion that is implied rather than stated directly.

So it is the other way round:

The term denotation is used to describe the multiple meanings that can be attributed to a single word; connotation refers to the idea that context may be used to lend emotional weight to a word.

Which of the following is an interjection?a. Hunting
b. Is
c. Wow
d. Acrimonious


When finding an interjection, think about comics. An interjection is exclamation that is used to express a feeling. When finding an interjection, think about comics and all the expressions they use like 'bam', 'pow', etc. Like I said, one of the cheats to finding an interjection is to think about comic books.

Answer: C) Wow

A interjection is a "Wow"

What were some things settlers hoped to find in th new world


They were definitely looking for land.
One of the things settlers hoped to find in the new world was gold.