The philosopher who believed that the mind operated on the three levels of reason, will, and desire was __________.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Karl Marx." The philosopher who believed that the mind operated on the three levels of reason, will, and desire was Karl Marx. He was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist.
Answer 2


It's Plato


For the homies

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Standardized Care plan refers to a type of care plan that is designed to cater the needs of specific demographic.  (Usually, this will cover some rare illness that needed continuous monitoring by health professionals)

This type of care plan usually only available in specific areas in united states since not all area has the equipment and power to handle the specific illness.

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Is the level of you income and the source of your income


b. your level of income; the source of your income


Just as Democrats and Republicans are on different sides of the political spectrum, so are liberals and __________.a. socialists
b. moderates
c. communists
d. conservatives



D. Conservatives.


Just as Democrats and Republicans are on opposite to each other with regard to political spectrum, so as the liberals and conservatives. The liberals believe in govt. action to achieve equality and equal opportunity for all. Its core ideology resembles with Democratic Party. On the other hand, the conservatives believe in limited government, personal responsibility and traditional values and its ideology resembles with Republic Party.

Just as Democrats and Republicans are on different sides of the political spectrum, so are liberals and conservatives.

Who are the conservatives?

The conservatives are those who share the believe that government should little or no control over how businesses are regulated.

The conservatives support the following:

  • Free markets
  • Low taxes
  • Privatization
  • Deregulation

Hence, Just as Democrats and Republicans are on different sides of the political spectrum, so are liberals and conservatives.

Learn more about conservatives here :


What issues faced the World climate change summit 2015



  • The Nation of the World met in Paris to conclude a new treaty on Climate Change in December 2015.
  • The agreement they made in the summit apply to all countries whether its developed or underdeveloped not only to the developed countries.
  • In the summit, they set the target of keeping the earth temperature rise well below two degrees of Celsius above the pre-industrial level.

In the final meeting of the Paristalks on climate change on Saturday night, the debating chamber wasfull and the atmosphere tense. Ministers from 196 countries sat behindtheir country nameplates, aides flocking them, with observers packedinto the overflowing hall.World leaders hail Paris climate deal as ‘major leap for mankind’Read more

John Kerry, the US secretary of state, talked animatedly with hisofficials, while China’s foreign minister Xie Zhenhua wore a troubledlook. They had been waiting in this hall for nearly two hours. TheFrench hosts had trooped in to take their seats on the stage, ready toapplaud on schedule at 5.30pm – but it was now after 7pm, and theplatform was deserted.

After two weeks of fraught negotiations, was something going badly wrong?

Then at 7.16pm, the French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, returnedabruptly to the stage, flanked by high-ranking UN officials. Thelast-minute compromises had been resolved, he said. And suddenly theywere all on their feet. Fabius brought down the green-topped gavel, asymbol of UN talks, and announced that a Paris agreement had beensigned. The delegates were clapping, cheering and whistling wildly,embracing and weeping. Even the normally reserved economist Lord Sternwas whooping.

Outside the hall, a “Mexican wave” of standing ovations rippledacross the conference centre as news reached participants gatheredaround screens outside for the translation into their own language. The50,000 people who attended the summit had been waiting for this moment,through marathon negotiating sessions and sleepless nights.

The contrast with the last global attempt to resolve climate change,at Copenhagen in 2009, which collapsed into chaos and recriminations,could not have been greater. In a city recently hit by terrorist attacksthat left 130 dead and scores more critically injured, collective willhad prevailed.

Fill in the blank with one of the following words (north, south, east, orwest).

The Piedmont Region of North Carolina is ______ of the coastal Plain Region



I's believe that is it pretty north west


so in saying it is north west I's would probbly go with west.

Im sorry for not having such a clear answer.

Hopefuly this helps you tell me if it is wrong that would be greatly apprechiated.

How many countries are there


There are 196 countries.