in the penultimate paragraph, the author says,"its hard to believe moocs will ever replace the dreaming spires of Oxford and Cambridge ," explain what the author means and briefly give your opinion regarding this matter.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "The author is trying to say Moocs will not reach the same level as Oxford and Cambridge meaning they are much better than Moocs." Oxford and Cambridge also has reputation to uphold as high education institution and therefore it sticks to its traditional teaching techniques.

Answer 2
Answer: My opinion, is that he is not really happy with that stuff, so he is trying to get rid of all that you know, and if a person is trying to get something, he will not right away sometimes, but later, or even in like couple of years, so I mean, it matters. Hope that this would help you. Have a great day, and time.

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What is a working title?


A "working title" is a title by which an author or a movie director
can refer to his work in progress, with the understanding that they
don't intend for that to be the title of the final product, and that
it'll definitely change before it goes out to the public. 

That way, they don't have to keep calling it "the book I'm writing" or
"the movie I'm working on". Instead, they can talk about "Cover to Cover"
or "Thirty Frames a Second", even though those are crummy titles.
A working title, sometimes called a production title, is the temporary name of a product or project used during its development, usually used in filmmaking, television production, novel, video game, or music album.

How do you do ruff drafts


well first you start off with the ideas that you wont to base your story off of just start putting thoughts together in your head about whatever you your writing just put all your inner thoughts and examples on one sheet of paper and feed off of them when your writing your paper go back and revise for the final draft that your going to write , all there is to writing a draft is your ideas and inner thoughts you come up with.
 - Hope that this helps and have a BRaInLy DaY
a ruff draft is like the essay u will be writting but it has many mistakes that you will have to fix, or a partner has to fix(it depends what your teacher wants to do) then then with all the revised things you fix it up and your essay is done 
ps: am writting a ruff draft

What are the answers



Is the group of words a simple sentence, a compound sentence, or a run-on sentence? The bustle of the airport, the sight of the airplanes, and the sound of the engines all make me want to fly. sentence  B.compound sentence  C.simple sentence


It is compound because it has more than one subject.

The author left the ending vague on purpose. What do you think happens to Jonas and Gabriel at the end of the novel? Write a paragraph and use details from the text to support your answer.



The author doesn't tell us what the real ending of the story is.  It is possible that when Lowry wrote The Giver, she had a sequel in mind.  Leaving the ending of this book ambiguous would encourage readers to purchase the sequel.  You can read Gathering Blue and Messenger, which were written as companion books to The Giver and will give you more information.

Going on just what the book says, there are two conclusions you could reach.

First, Jonas and Gabriel die.  The book makes it clear that they are slowly freezing to death.  They are weak, hungry and tired.  The book also says that Jonas uses his last little bit of strength to find the sled waiting for him at the top of the hill.  They sled down the hill to "Elsewhere", perhaps an afterlife of some kind that follows death.  This could be why Jonas heard music as he slowly slipped down the hill.  In addition, the Giver was transmitting memories to Jonas before he died, giving the idea that if the Giver died before they were transmitted, they would be lost forever or else freed and allowed to enter the minds of the people.  Jonas, now, being the new keeper of the memories, would release those memories when he died.  This could be why he also heard singing behind him - as he slipped away, his friends and family received the memories he had carried and were freed from the austere existence they had experienced.

Second, Jonas and Gabriel find "Elsewhere", an unexplained real and literal place.  This is supported by the fact that there is a sled waiting for them, apparently placed there by people who are hoping he will find it and use it.  It would only stand to reason that if they placed it there for Jonas, they would be waiting for him at the bottom of the hill.  This is confirmed near the end of the chapter when it says that he knew they were waiting for him and the baby.  The book also supports this idea because he heard music and saw lights and warmth coming from Elsewhere, indicating that there is life and emotion there.  There is also the possibility that his leaving freed the residents of his home town and enabled them to have memory, which is why he heard them singing behind him.

I would suggest that the author wanted you to come to your own conclusions, so she intentionally left it very ambiguous.  Reading the two companion books mentioned above would help if you simply can't stand ambiguous endings (like me!).  


Why is it important to learn how to write formal arguments



it is important because one day you might not like something that somebody did and you might have to right them a formal argument to get your point across to them


Say one day you are watching tv and you see they are doing something that you don't like and you want them to change it back you have to write a formal argument on why you want them to change what they did back