Choose all that apply.Three early forms of written communication were _____.


Answer 1
Answer: Hieroglyphs, petroglyphs (pictures carved into rocks), and cuneiform (a writing system using hashmarks on clay tablets) were all early forms of written communication. All of them were precursors to alphabets, which use letters to represent sounds. Grunts are an early (and present-day) form of communication, but they aren't written. 
Answer 2


the answer is hieroglyphs and petroglyphs


Can you please give brainlist or whatever trying to earn those

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Which two statements accurately describe the early history of lyric poetry?A.Lyric poetry was first composed in ancient Greece using the lyre.B.The ancient Romans developed lyric poetry in response to Greek epic poetry.C.The earliest lyric poems were composed in the seventh century B.C.D.Lyric poetry can be traced to Shakespeare’s and Spenser’s sonnets.E.The earliest lyric poems were short versions of tales from the epics.

Choose the connective that best completes the following sentence. Everyone appeared to be having a good time. _______, my impressions may have been wrong.a. In other words
b. In fact
c. Of course
d. Furthermore


Everyoneappeared to be having a good time. In fact, my impressions may have been wrong. Connectivesare used in the sentence to ‘connect’ one idea to another or illustratesuccessions or chronology of the actions.

Connectives uses chronological wordsto represent things in order. Like a history write up from a certain happeningyears ago.  It could also be used inprocedural essays because these are essays which give instructions of certainset up to guide the person accordingly in doing something to make it moreaccurate. Like recipes, instructions in playing, etc. Example words that areused in chronological words are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, next,after, then, lastly, finally, consequently, in addition, thus, therefore,however, etc.

The answer is C. Of course

Which form of the interrogative pronoun correctly completes the sentence? __________ car is parked in the driveway? A. Who's B. Whose B?


The answer is B. Whose car is parked in the driveway?
B. Whose would be the answer.

10. In which one of the following sentences is capitalization used correctly?A. Alexandria Egypt is named after Alexander the Great of macedonia.
B. The meadows of the Valley are filled with yellow flowers each Spring.
C. Alphonse, who was born in Algeria, spoke both French and English.
D. Alice stood up at her desk and said, "who's for coffee and donuts?"


D. Alice stood up at her desk and said ...
D Alice stood up at her desk and said "who'for coffee and donuts"?

Which theme is apparent in this excerpt from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice?Elizabeth listened in silence, but was not convinced; their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgement too unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them. They were in fact very fine ladies; not deficient in good humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of making themselves agreeable when they chose it, but proud and conceited.



After reading and analyzing the theme in the passage from "Pride and Prejudice," we can choose the following option as the one containing the theme that is most apparent:

C. Prejudice

What is theme?

In literature, theme is the underlying message or idea in a literary work. In other words, it is the message that an author wishes to convey. It is possible to have several different themes, especially when it comes to novels.

In the particular passage we are analyzing here, the theme is prejudice. Elizabeth is observing and judging Mr. Darcy and his friends. This is the first time she sees them, and she quickly decides they are not very likable people, with the exception of Mr. Bingley.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option C as the correct answer.

Learn more about theme here:

It would be prejudice because she is judging them.

Which of these excerpts from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice highlights the condescending attitude of upper-class characters?1. Her report was highly favourable.Sir William had been delighted with him. He was quite young, wonderfully handsome, extremely agreeable, and, to crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party. Nothing could be more delightful! To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley's heart were entertained. 

2. Jane was as much gratified by this as her mother could be, though in a quieter way. Elizabeth felt Jane's pleasure. Mary had heard herself mentioned to Miss Bingley as the most accomplished girl in the neighbourhood; and Catherine and Lydia had been fortunate enough never to be without partners, which was all that they had yet learnt to care for at a ball. They returned, therefore, in good spirits to Longbourn, the village where they lived, and of which they were the principal inhabitants. They found Mr. Bennet still up. 

3. They were rather handsome, had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank, and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meanly of others. They were of a respectable family in the north of England; a circumstance more deeply impressed on their memories than that their brother's fortune and their own had been acquired by trade.

4. The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic. Bingley had never met with more pleasant people or prettier girls in his life; everybody had been most kind and attentive to him; there had been no formality, no stiffness; he had soon felt acquainted with all the room; and, as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty, but she smiled too much.


I think that the answer would be the 3rd

The main role of supervisors is to be_____


the main role of supervisors is to be responsible for the productivity and actions of a small group of employees
Hey there

The main role of supervisors is to be responsible. 
Other Questions
Damon and PythiasDamon and Pythias had been the best of friends since childhood. Each trusted the other like a brother, and each knew in his heart there was nothing he would not do for his friend. Eventually the time came for them to prove the depth of their devotion. It happened in this way.Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, grew annoyed when he heard about the kind of speeches Pythias was giving. The young scholar was telling the public that no man should have unlimited power over another and that absolute tyrants were unjust kings. In a fit of rage, Dionysius summoned Pythias and his friend.“Who do you think you are, spreading unrest among the people?” he demanded.“I spread only the truth,” Pythias answered. “There can be nothing wrong with that.”“And does your truth hold that kings have too much power and that their laws are not good for their subjects?”“If a king has seized power without permission of the people, then that is what I say.”“This kind of talk is treason,” Dionysius shouted. “You are conspiring to overthrow me. Retract what you’ve said, or face the consequences.”“I will retract nothing,” Pythias answered.“Then you will die. Do you have any last requests?”“Yes. Let me go home just long enough to say goodbye to my wife and children and to put my household in order.”“I see you not only think I’m unjust, you think I’m stupid as well,” Dionysius laughed scornfully. “If I let you leave Syracuse, I have no doubt I will never see you again.”“I will give you a pledge,” Pythias said.“He will keep his word,” Damon replied. “I have no doubt of that.”“What kind of pledge could you possibly give to make me think you will ever return?” Dionysius demanded.At that instant Damon, who had stood quietly beside his friend, stepped forward.“I will be his pledge,” he said. “Keep me here in Syracuse, as your prisoner until Pythias returns. Our frienship is well known to you. You can be sure Pythias will return so long as you hold me.”Dionysius studied the two friends silently. “Very well,” he said at last. “But if you are willing to take the plce of your friend, you must be willing to accept his sentence if he breaks his promise. If Pythias does not return to Syracuse, you will die in his place.”Pythias was allowed to go free for a time, and Damon was thrown into prison. After several days, when Pythias failed to reappear, Dionysius’s curiosity got the better of him, and he went to the prison to see if Damon was yet sorry he had made such a bargain.“Your time is almost up,” the ruler of Syracuse sneered. “It will be useless to beg for mercy. You were a fool to rely on your friend’s promise. Did you really think he would sacrifice his life for you or anyone else?“He has merely been delayed,” Damon answered steadily. “The winds have kept him from sailing, or perhaps he has met with some accident on the road. But if it is humanly possible, he will be here on time. I am as confident of his virtue as I am of my own existence.”Dionysius was startled at the prisoner’s confidence. “We shall soon see,” he said and left Damon in his cell.The fatal day arrived. Damon was brought from prison and led before the executioner. Dionysius greeted him with a smug smile.“It seems your friend has not turned up,” he laughed. “What do you think of him now?”“He is my friend,” Damon answered. “I trust him.”Even as he spoke, the doors flew open, and Pythias staggered into the room. He was pale and bruised and half speechless from exhaustion. He rushed to the arms of his friend.“You are safe, praise the gods,” he gasped. “It seemed as though the fates were conspiring against us. My ship was wrecked in a storm, and then bandits attacked me on the road. But I refused to give up hope, and at last I’ve made it back in time. I am ready to receive my sentence of death.”Dionysius heard his words with astonishment. His eyes and his heart were opened. It was impossible for him to resist the power of such constancy.“The sentence is revoked,” he declared. “I never believed that such faith and loyalty could exist in friendship. You have shown me how wrong I was, and it is only right that you be rewarded with your freedom. But I ask that in return you do me one great service.”“What service do you mean?” the friends asked.“Teach me how to be part of so worthy a friendship.”The first paragraph of this story mostly provides the reader with __________. a. the crisis or turning point in the storyb. the specific obstacles the characters will facec. complications that contribute to the rising actiond. information to establish characters and background