Qualitative data can be graphically represented by using a(n) Options
frequency polygon
bar graph


Answer 1
Answer: Qualitative data can be graphically represented by using different options you've provided. It's not true that they can be represented by using just one of the mentioned options, but can, in fact, be presented through a histogram, frequency polygon, or even a bar graph. 

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A i thing hope that helps
Its A i hoped i helped

Explain the characteristics of society​




The characteristics of society are given below: Society consists of people. Without people there is no society. There is no social life and social relationships at all. Mutual awareness and mutual interaction – Society is the group of persons by continuous communication between each other.

ociety refers to mutual contact with more two persons. Society is the process by men interpenetrates the minds of one another. The limitations of the society are marked by the social interactions limits. Social interaction is only made possible because of the mutual awareness. Society exists where social beings behave towards each other in ways determined by their recognition with each other. Without mutual awareness there is no society. Social relationship therefore involves mutual awareness.

The main principle of likeness is important for the society. It exists among those resembles each other in mind and in body. People have resemblance with regards to their requirements, values, ideals, aims, works and outlook towards the life. Likeness refers to the resemblances.

Society also entails variations. Society is based upon entirely on uniformities and likeness is bound to be very loose in socialites. Suppose if a person is exactly alike then their social relationships will be limited. There will be only little reciprocity, give as well as take. They will contribute little to each other. More than that, life becomes very bore, uninteresting and monotonous if there are no differences. Therefore, you can find differences in the society. Hence, differences cannot alone create the society. It is secondary to likeness.

Society is dynamic not static. Changes are present in each and every society. Unpredictability is an inbuilt quality of human society.

Each society's culture is distinct from one another. Every society is same because it has its own way of life. Culture encompasses whole range of life. It encompasses morals, judgments and attitudes of man. It also encompasses bullets, values, ideologies, ideas. Therefore society and culture will go together.

Society and human life also go together. Man has born in the society, bred up in the society, nourished in the society and nurtured in the society. From the childhood to the adult stage, from adults to the youth stage, from youth to the maturity stage, from maturity stage to the old age until death, man lives in the society. Man depends upon the society for the purpose of protection, comfort, education and nature. Participation in the society is important for overall development of the personality.

Society makes your life livable. Society is like the nurse of the youth, the arena of womanhood and manhood society is, hence, it is more than your environment. Society limits the activities. It also controls their behavior in countless methods. Society shapes your ideals, morals, beliefs and limits. Intellectual maturity, emotional development, material comforts and satisfaction in physical requirements are impossible without society. Society is one of the part of your mental equipment and we are one of the part of the society. It also stimulates the growth of your personality. It controls and liberates your capacities and talents.

What is the purpose of the naturalization process?


The purpose of the naturalization process is to promote patriotism and help the applicant identify as an American. It is also for raising the applicants' awareness of their rights and responsibilities in America

The election of 1856 signaled the end of the ___________ party and the _____________ party.a. Whig; American
b. Populist; Whig
c. Progressivist; Libertarian
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The answer to your question is letter A. The election of 1856 signaled the end of the Whig Party and the American Party. The Whig Party broke apart because of issues with slavery and plus the competition of the new parties such as the Republican Party. Slavery was also an issue with the American Party.

Which of the following internal roadblocks to effective listening is exemplified by the statement, "We’ve never done it that way before?" A. Resistance to change
B. Hearing only facts and not feelings
C. Stereotyping
D. Halo effect



Resistance to change


Resistance to change is the correct answer. The reason behind it is that the people do not want to change due to some reason.  

There are the following reasons are there as follows :

1. Ambiguity related to the cost, tools, and jobs.

2. Whenever the faculty which offer this opportunity doesn't discuss with concern person like whats going on and specially when it affects their jobs.

3. The change can be threatening to the concerned person to modify their job profile.  

4. Communication gap related to their change in their workplace.

5. As the concerned person not seeking any benefits in changing their job pattern.

My teacher heaped _______ on me for my research project about the civil rights movement. preys praise praize prays


I believe answer is: Praise

Preys mean something or someone that being hunted by others, praize does not have specific meaning, while prays refers to the act of communicating with a certain type of diety.

Praise means the act of expressing admiration toward a certain things, which is the most suitable for the sentence above.

My teacher heaped praise on me for my research project about the civil rights movement. Option B. This is further explained below.

What is praise?

Generally, praise is simply defined as show heartfelt appreciation or respect for

In conclusion, For my history assignment on the civil rights struggle, I received high marks from my professor.

Read more about praise
