A: a cathedral
this drawing is the São Paulo Cathedral which was made in 1967 you can tell by the Neo-Gothic design and the similarity in the drawing that its surely the São Paulo Cathedral.
The Renaissance, derived from the French word for 'rebirth', refers to a significant era in European history from the 14th to the 17th century. It is named for the 'rebirth' of learning and knowledge during this time, which resulted in profound changes in art, science, philosophy, and politics.
The term 'Renaissance' is derived from the French word for 'rebirth'. It predominantly represents a period in European history that spanned from the 14th to the 17th century. This era marked significant cultural and intellectual changes, serving as a bridge from the Middle Ages to Modern history.
The era is named the Renaissance to denote the 'rebirth' of learning and knowledge. The period observed a resurgence in interest of classical learning and values, particularly those of Ancient Greek and Rome. This intellectual reawakening led to breakthroughs in art, science, philosophy, and politics, altering the course of western civilization thereafter.
a. Blocked by skyscrapers
b. Mystical blue
c. Dusky gray
d. Forever cloudy
The Spanish Civil War started in July 1936 with the military coup leaded by General Franco, which started a rebellion against the democratically elected Republican goverment. Since the establishment of a Republic and the abolition of the monarchy in 1931, mostly left-wing parties and progressisf leaders had won the elections.
The most conservative sectors of the army followed the fascist general Franco who, during the war, received the support of Hitler and Mussolini, specially, of their aviation military units. The democratic European states refused to help the Spanish Republic and only the URSS contributed by sending some armament.
The war ended in 1939 with the victory of the fascists and the establishment of a military dictatorship that would last until the death of Franco, the dictator, in 1975.
They all faced danger and hardships