Excellent analytical skills.
A coding and reimbursement specialist must have a strong understanding of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, as well as coding systems like ICD-10-CM and CPT. They need to stay updated with current coding guidelines and regulations, and be proficient in using coding software and electronic health records.
A coding and reimbursement specialist is responsible for assigning codes to medical diagnoses and procedures for the purpose of billing and reimbursement. To have the necessary knowledge, a coding and reimbursement specialist must have a strong understanding of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, as well as coding systems such as ICD-10-CM and CPT. They also need to stay updated with current coding guidelines and regulations. Additionally, proficiency in using coding software and electronic health records is essential.
The output of the above code will be '3 3 4 4 5 5'
Line 1: Declares a class Test
Line 2: Declares the main method of the program which is the entry point of the program
Line 3: Declares an array of Integers
Line 4: Starts the for loop, with the initial value of i as 1 and the end value being blank, i.e. it will keep on iterating for ever.
Line 5: Assigns the value of i-1 to the value at the index i of the array list
Line 6: Declares another for loop to print the array values
Line 7: Starts the for loop, with the initial value of i as 0 and the end value being blank, i.e. it will keep on iterating for ever.
Line 8: prints the value of list[i]
Line 9. Closes the for loop
The output of this program will be the value of list[i] which is '3 3 4 4 5 5' which is the final value of the array after the inner loop terminates.
b. infotainment
c. procedural drama
d. soap opera