Look, this shouldn't be that hard. As long as you know the symbol for each element, you just put a subscript to indicate how many there are in each compound.
For the second row, there is one C and 4 H's. That's , or methane.
For the third row, there is one Si and 2 O's. That's , or common glass/quartz.
The definition of solubility is the maximum quantity of solute that can dissolve in a certain quantity of solvent or quantity of solution at a specified temperature or pressure (in the case of gaseous solutes). For Gases, solubility decreases as temperature increases (duh...you have seen water boil, right?) The physical reason for this is that when most gases dissolve in solution, the process is exothermic. This means that heat is released as the gas dissolves. This is very similar to the reason that vapor pressure increases with temperature. Increased temperature causes an increase in kinetic energy. The higher kinetic energy causes more motion in the gas molecules which break intermolecular bonds and escape from solution. Do you need any more?
The answer is; Heavy nuclei split into lighter nuclei
Heavier isotopes of elements are the most unstable and decay quickly into lighter elements (mostly because they have high neutron to proton ratio). The decay involves the splitting of the heavier atom into a lighter atom and the release of neutron(s) particles and radiation energy. The released neutrons then hit another isotope and split it. This chain of reaction continues so far as the isotopes are close by. The time it takes for a radioactive element to decay into another element is called half-life.
safety shower
Rule number one in laboratory safety is know what you are
The best protections from chemical splashes and spills are an ________
to cover your body and _________
for your eyes.
food or
liquids from a lab container, even if it has been thoroughly washed.
Rinse skin thoroughly with
after a chemical splash.
A _________
should be used for more significant spills.
into water, never the other way around.
Do not
chemicals unless you know what the product of the reaction will be.
A _________
describes important safety and reactivity information about a chemical.
Fill in the blanks please
the action of becoming destroyed and removed via air, rain, or even other natural phenomena
Refer to a modern periodic table for relative atomic mass:
Formula of copper (II) chloride: CuCl₂.
Formula mass of copper (II) chloride:
63.546 + 2 × 35.45 = .
How many of formula units in 8.3 grams of CuCl₂?
Note the subscript "2" in the formula CuCl₂. There are of chloride ions in every formula unit of CuCl₂.
There would be of ions in formula units of CuCl₂.
The mass of of chloride ion is 35.45 grams.
The mass of of ions will be .
Round the final value to two sig. fig. since the mass in the question is also 2 sig. fig.
Solubility increases.
solubility increases
For example with gases dissolved in liquids, a rise in temp would decrease solubility. There are even some solid in liquid soln where increasing temps decreases solubility.