In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, which adjective best characterizes the Aulds’ home during his early childhood?


Answer 1

You can say it was a period of enlightenment for Douglass as he learned how to read and right in the Auld household.  It was period were Douglass’ thirst for knowledge began.  The Aulds however were worried that it might lead him to want his freedom and cut his education short.  Douglass began learn on his own and educated other slaves as well before escaping from slavery.

Answer 2


A. Contended


A. Contended promise

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A stanza is _____. two rhymed lines four rhymed lines a unit of division within a poem, similar to a paragraph a unit measure of poetry consisting of one stressed and one unstressed syllable


1) Two rhymed lines – No, that would be a couplet
2) Four rhymed lines – No; I'm not sure if there is a specific name for this...
3) A unit of division within a poem, similar to a paragraph – Yes
4) A unit measure of poetry consisting of one stressed and one unstressed syllable – No, this would be an example of a trochee


I believe it's 4 rhymed lines, but I'm not completely sure. Hope this helped somehow!


Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are theA. opinion and the occasion.
B. reader and the location.
C. reader and the audience.
D. occasion and the audience.


C. reader and the audience.   

The balanced, rhythmic flow of poetry or oratory is referred to as figurative





Answer: Cadence

Cadence refers to the balanced, rhythmic flow of poetry or oratory. The term designates the rising and falling of the voice when reading a literary piece, or the changes in rhythm and pitch in poetry. Cadence sets the pace of a work. If the text has a rhythmic cadence, it can make it more persuasive. It can also make it easier for the speaker to hold the audience's attention.

I really think it is B. Cadence

Which sentence contains a punctuation error? A. Sixteen boys and nine girls registered for the community center's art class. B. Twelve of the twenty-four hikers forgot to bring sunscreen. C. The committee needs the following: forty five chairs, fifteen candles, and twenty yards of white muslin. D. Ninety-nine of a hundred people surveyed preferred the first candidate.


"C. The committee needs the following: forty five chairs, fifteen candles, and twenty yards of white muslin" contains a punctuation error since "forty-five" should be hyphenated. All numbers under 100 should in general by hyphenated. 

How much time does the Beowulf storyline cover?a. many years
b. twelve months
c. several weeks
d. ten days


the answer is twelve months