True or false? The radioactive wastes produced by nuclear fission remain dnagerous for dozens of years


Answer 1
Answer: True, this is why Chernobyl is still not to be lived in

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1-Propanol is combusted to provide heat. The equation and the enthalpy change for the process are shown below. C₃H₇​OH(l)+4.5O₂​( g)→3CO₂​( g)+4H₂​O(l)ΔH=−2,021 kJ Below is a list of sentences that describe a chemical process. Choose all of the sentences that apply to the above rea Check all that apply. a This process is exothermic. b The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇​OH(l)+9O₂​( g)→6CO₂​( g)+8H₂​O(l) is 2,021 kJ c The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇​OH(l)+9O₂​( g)→6CO₂​( g)+8H₂​O(l) is −4,042 kJ d The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇​OH(l)+9O₂​( g)→6CO₂​( g)+8H₂​O(l) is −2,021 kJ e This chemical process transfers heat from the surroundings to the system. f The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇​OH(l)+9O₂​( g)→6CO₂​( g)+8H₂​O(l) is 4,042 kJ g This process is endothermic. h This chemical process transfers heat from the system to the surroundings.



Let's analyze the statements one by one:

a) This process is exothermic.

True. The negative enthalpy change (-2,021 kJ) indicates that heat is released during the reaction, making it exothermic.

b) The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇OH(l)+9O₂(g)→6CO₂(g)+8H₂O(l) is 2,021 kJ.

False. The balanced chemical equation and enthalpy change given are for the combustion of 1 mole of propanol, not 2 moles.

c) The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇OH(l)+9O₂(g)→6CO₂(g)+8H₂O(l) is -4,042 kJ.

False. This statement suggests a doubled enthalpy change value in the wrong direction. The correct direction is negative (exothermic), but the magnitude is not doubled.

d) The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇OH(l)+9O₂(g)→6CO₂(g)+8H₂O(l) is -2,021 kJ.

False. This statement suggests the correct direction but doubles the magnitude. The correct magnitude is -2,021 kJ for 1 mole of propanol.

e) This chemical process transfers heat from the surroundings to the system.

False. The process is exothermic, which means it releases heat from the system to the surroundings.

f) The enthalpy change for 2C₃H₇OH(l)+9O₂(g)→6CO₂(g)+8H₂O(l) is 4,042 kJ.

False. This statement suggests the correct magnitude but in the wrong direction. The correct direction is negative (exothermic).

g) This process is endothermic.

False. The process is exothermic, as indicated by the negative enthalpy change.

h) This chemical process transfers heat from the system to the surroundings.

True. An exothermic process like this releases heat from the system to the surroundings.

So, the correct statements are:

a) This process is exothermic.

e) This chemical process transfers heat from the surroundings to the system.

h) This chemical process transfers heat from the system to the surroundings.

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