In which area did government deregulation benefit both businesses and consumers


Answer 1
Answer: It was the area of flights that benefited a lot of business and consumers. When there is a cheaper rate of flight, the flow of trade will be more convenient, and at the same time, it will also help consumers gain access to products in a lower price. 
Answer 2

(Apologies, this is really late)


Not sure what version you may have, but this is what it was for mine:

gas and oil âś”




Now if you have the other version where it is airlines instead of trains, then airlines would be the correct answer.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "TRUE." Five hundred msisions were completed by African American pilots in the Army Air Corps during the first year of America's involvement in the war. This was something new that African americans soldiers were pilots who were able and were allowed to fly fighter planes in war. 


African American, brainliest maybe?


What comprised a third of Brazil's European immigrant population


Most people would agree that Portugal was the main source of inmigrants in Brazil, and of course, this European country was the main conqueror of territories in Brazil, but it was not the only one that influenced this country.

When the Austrian-Hungarian and Russian empires collpased in the aftermath of World War I, a vast majority of Russians seeked to move to Brazil, therefore comprising a third of the European inmigrant population, followed by countries such as Portugal, Italy, Spain, and Germany.

It is roughly estimated that around 47.73% of Brazilians are of full European descent.

I hope this helps, have a great week!

Russians comprised a third of Brazil's European immigrant population

The methods of handling businesses and industries that conduct business around the world is known as A. socialism. B. migration. C. globalization. D. privatization.


Answer:    C. Globalization

Explanation:  The method of handling business and the industries that operate around the world is globalization. Since business is done worldwide, it implies the impact and cooperation at the international level. At the same time, this is the current trend of business, when such business is enabled, by various incentives and by encouraging exchange at the global level.

Socialism implies social ownership of means of production; it does not mean at what level business is, but rather a type of social and production relations, while privatization is the opposite of the form of ownership from socialism.

The option (C) is correct. Globalization is a method of handling businesses and industries that conduct business around the world.

Further Explanation:


Globalization is a promotion of the business on the international level. When the business expands its business from one country to several countries, then it is considered as globalization. Globalization is necessary for global establish. Big companies establish their branches and set up their factories in developing countries. It would benefit the countries as the inflow of foreign investment would create employment and contribute to the growth of the economy. Foreign company would get cheaper labor and material, so it is beneficial for them.

It is a system of organizing businesses and industries around the world. The business is carried out on the international level from one country to several sets up. It helps in boosting the economy and development of the relation between several developing.

Thus, globalization is a method of handling businesses and industries that conduct business around the world.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about the command economy

2. Learn more about the socialist government

3. Learn more about the economic development

Answer details:

Grade: Middle School

Subject: History

Chapter: Globalization  

Keywords: methods, handling, businesses, industries, conduct, business, around, world, known, socialism,  migration, globalization, privatization.

Match the civilization to the river valley where it N for Nile river valley.
select T for Tigris-Euphrates river valley.

Assyria _____. Babylonia____. Egypt____. Sumer___.


Answer:    Assyria - T        Babylonia - T

                 Egypt    - N        Sumer       - T

Explanation:  The valley of the Tigris and Euphrates is located in Asia, while the Nil river valley is located in Africa. Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria were ancient civilizations that were located in different or same parts of the territory of Mesopotamia. The very name of Mesopotamia means the land between the rivers that refers to Tigris and Euphrates.

Egypt's ancient civilization grew on the benefits of the Nile River, that is, in Africa.

Assyria  T    .    Babylonia   T    .

Egypt    N    .    Summer   T   .

The threat of communist take over of Greece and Turkey led the United states to


In Greece, the US supported the anti-communist side of the Greek Civil War after WW2, and in Turkey the US supplied abundant money and resources to the country in order to make communism seem less appealing.
Hope that I helped!
The threat of communist take over of Greece and Turkey led the United states to pass the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine was passed on March 12th 1947, by President Truman.

Although the Anti-Federalists lost their main goal, what important task did they accomplish? A.) counting slaves for political representation in the Constitution through the Three-Fifths Compromise
B.) granting smaller states power through enhanced debate in the New Jersey Plan
C.)protecting individual liberties through the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution
D.)changing the national legislative system from unicameral to bicameral


Answer C. Although the anti-federalists wanted a weak federalgovernment, fearing the possibility of another government in which theyhad just revolted against, they were able to push for the Bill ofRights. The Bill of Rights grants individuals protections from thegovernment, especially a corrupt government.