_____________ is communication that creates mistrust, hostility or hurt and indicates a desire for conflict rather than cooperation.a. Hostile communication
b. Defensive communication
c. Aggressive communication
d. Offensive communication


Answer 1




cuz hostile comms isnt sus

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b. He runs out of money.
c. He misses his father and brother.
d. He gets a job feeding pigs


The prodigal son realizes he shouldn't have left home when he finds a job feeding pigs (D.)

Which sentence uses commas correctly? A.
Ms. O'Hara is not available right now, Mr. Johnson.

Sir can you tell me, the time?

Walk right up there, Allison and tell them what you think.

Hurry Tony, you'll be late for the club meeting!
A or D


The sentence that used comma correctly is, option A. Ms. O'hara is not available right now, Mr. Johnson. You use a comma when you directly address a name of a person or a title in the sentence. This is to emphasize that your message is for that person. 

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reassuring; a punctuation clue; excited; four score


reassuring; a punctuation clue; excited; four score


Choose the option that best represents a characteristic of an effective summary. eliminates language that is not essential to comprehending the original passage eliminates vocabulary that may be too complicated for the reader to understand eliminates supporting ideas that are not interesting to read eliminates complex sentences to make sure the summary is easy to read


None of these are really good descriptions of an effective summary, although the best option would be "eliminates language that is not essential to comprehending the original passage"
The option that best represents a characteristic of effective summary is A)  eliminates language that is not essential to comprehending the originalpassage.

In the story "Rip Van Winkle," how does Washington Irving use ironic elements to describe Rip's relationship with Dame Van Winkle? Support your answer with examples from the text.



There are many ironic elements throughout the text.


In "Rip Van Winkle," Washington Irving uses figurative language that conveys secret and obscured messages left to readers to discover.

While there is a description of a “curtain lecture” as “worth all the sermons in the world for teaching the virtues of patience and long-suffering.”, which should describe how Dame Van Winkle's lecturing teaches patience, the  real message underneath it is that this type of nagging is not valuable at all.

The story describes how Dame Van Winkle often lectures and nags him:

“… his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was incessantly going, and everything he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence.”

These are just some of the examples which Washington Irving uses as humor and irony to show the relationship between Rip and his wife.


In "Rip Van Winkle," Washington Irving uses language that differs between its literal meaning and the actual message being communicated. For example, Irving describes a “curtain lecture” as “worth all the sermons in the world for teaching the virtues of patience and long-suffering.”

While this description literally means that when Dame Van Winkle is lecturing her husband, it teaches him patience, Irving’s real message is that this type of nagging is not valuable at all.

The story implies that Rip’s wife often lectures and nags him:

“… his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was incessantly going, and everything he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence.”

The word “eloquence” usually describes speeches, poetry, and other well-crafted writing. Irving uses it ironically in the story to describe Rip’s wife’s lectures, as they are not beautiful or well-written prose.

In this way, Washington Irving uses humor and irony to show the relationship between Rip and his wife.

Blaine exchanges $100 for yen. If each US dollar is worth 88.353 yen how much does he receive?


he 8835.30 yen recieves.



Hope i helped:D 
8835.300 yen just add two zeroes at the end
Other Questions
The story of the Trickster Coyote and his companion Fox was still fresh in Manuel’s mind. Fox was the only one who was ever able to outsmart the Coyote, and the thought filled Manuel with respect. He knew that the Trickster and the company he kept were not friends of the people; on the other hand, if one encountered any malevolent forces, he should do his best to appease them—that was simple common sense. 7 “Here, Mr. Fox,” Manuel said. “Are you hungry?” 8 The fox wagged his tail and crept closer, the black rubbery lips curled to show his white teeth. 9 Manuel took his satchel off his shoulder, and felt inside. Uncle Tobi never sent him home without a snack for the road, and Manuel took out a half-eaten SPAM sandwich. “You want this?” he said to the fox. 10 The fox approached, in cautious mincing steps, and its white teeth snatched the sandwich from Manuel’s fingers. The fox ate as if he was completely famished—the sandwich was gone before it even touched the ground, and the fox licked his face with a small, red tongue. 11 Manuel laughed. “You want some more, don’t you?” he said. “I know it’s tough being a fox these days. Hardly any livestock around, and all the people going to and fro. It’s war, you see.” He looked for more food as he spoke, and the fox’s eyes never strayed from the satchel decorated with white and black glass beads. Based on how Manuel responds to events in paragraphs 6 and 7, the reader can conclude that a possible theme is fill in the blank_____ Answer choices for the above question A. people should appreciate good literature. B. people should be wary of wild animals. C. people should treat creatures with kindness. D. people should remember the morals from folktales. Based on the interactions between characters in paragraphs 9–11, the reader can conclude that a possible theme is fill in the blank___ Answer choices for the above question A. generosity can cost you more than you’re willing to give. B. times of crisis can bring out the best in people. C. life in the desert can be very difficult D. pets can bring people great joy