John does not remember much from his first 3 years of life. this is the phenomenon of


Answer 1
Answer: John does not remember much from his first 3 years of life,this is due to phenomena of childhood amnesia.
Answer 2

this is the phenomenon of infantile amnesia

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Read the excerpt from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.Cautiously, I climbed from the bed, careful not to awaken Big Ma, who was still snoring soundly, and crept to the door. I pressed my ear against the door and listened, then slipped the latch furiously and darted outside. "Boy, what you doing here?" I hissed.

What does Cassie most likely feel in the excerpt?

a.alarmed and angry

b.proud and satisfied

c.sad and lonely

d.hurt and helpless


it's a alarmed and angry
the reason why it's a is because she hissed " boy, what are you doing here?"
she was alarmed and angry.




Despite the fact that the existence of _____ is generally unsupported by existing psychological research, approximately 41% of Americans believe in such existence. This demonstrates some of the risk associated with pseudoscience.



Despite the fact that the existence of ESP is generally unsupported by existing psychological research, approximately 41% of Americans believe in such existence. This demonstrates some of the risk associated with pseudoscience.


The Extra Sensorial Perception (ESP) is the ability to know and understand the world without the help of the five senses. Traditionally, the ESP is known for the telepathy or awareness of what is happening in the minds of others and clairvoyance, a supernormal mode of perception, which can result in a visual image presented to the conscious mind. Perception can be of objects or scenes, or distant forms in space, or in time, in the past or in the future.

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No, because I dont know how to pay taxes. Joe Biden is about to make the economy very interesting with his tax raise on the rich. And there dumb.

How can a hammer be both excludable and non-excludable?


Answer: it can be used for a lot of good things and also some bad things

Explanation: some are for good and some are for bad

A study of samples in 32 countries showed that individualism was positively correlated with higher expressivity of emotions, especially happiness and surprise. Individualism was negatively correlated with expression of sadness. What is your understanding of these research findings?



It is a research that shows that what influences the level of positive emotions in one country could be that which influences the negative expression in another country.


This research is premised on the factors responsible for individual expressions in different countries.

What defines ones happiness in one country could be that which brings about unhappiness. For instance, teachers in Finland are well paid and it gives them happiness and fulfillment. But the reverse is the case for teachers in most developing countries whose wages is not commensurate with the time spent work.

ASAP PlS Grades are due soon HELP4 characteristics of the roman empire and explain how those were different in the roman republic each column should have 4 characteristics?​



They were different in violent sand none violent.


The Roman republic used a method that didint evolve in violence but the empire used valence all the time to punish someone if something bad happened they would always start wars