What is the energy change that will occur when 25.5 grams of oxygen gas (O2) react with excess methane (CH4) according to the reaction below? CH4 + 2 O2yields CO2 + 2 H2O delta H = -889 kJ/mol

Select one:
a. 354 kJ of energy will be given off by the reaction
b. 354 kJ of energy will be absorbed by the reaction
c. 708 kJ of energy will be given off by the reaction
d. 708 kJ of energy will be absorbed by the reaction


Answer 1
Answer: amount of CH4 is excess, so no need to worry about it 
but the limiting factor is the Oxygen 

according to stranded equation, 

CH4 + 2 O2 --> CO2 + 2 H2O ΔH = -889 kJ/mol 

just by taking proportions 

(-889 kJ/mol) / 2 x 0.8 mol = - 355.6 kJ 

so i think the answer is (a)

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A change that one can see with the eye. Such as a new hairstyle or a growth over the years.

Hello there!



Physical Change is a substance it does not change. Arrangement of molecules changes.

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas

Hope this helps!

Thank you for posting your question at here on brainly.


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Since 22.4L of anything at STP is one mole, you can use your mole fraction to easily determine the # of moles of Na to produce one mole of H2. In this case, 2 moles of Na yield 1 mole H2, so all you need to do now is convert to grams. (Moles x Molar mass) which is 2 moles Na X 23g . this gives you the answer of 46g of Na.