It was west in Florence It was like the biggest dangerous hurricane that is why here in the united states has been dark these couple of days and still is. the rotation has gone west but the hurricane is not to dangerous right now because all the rain drops had to be low because there was already too much rain in the west and rotated to the south but more in the west.
When the filament is tall, the anther is more exposed to different pollination agents. There are more chances that pollen grains stick on the animals' and insects' bodies or get blown by winds.
Flowers are reproductive structures in charge of the plant's sexual reproduction.
There are feminine and masculine reproductive structures.
The masculine structures include stamens, which are composed of anthers and filaments.
Mature pollen grains are driven to the stigma of the same flower or other flowers for the fertilization process.
Different agents are in charge of this transport: animals, wind, insects, water streams.
When filaments are tall, the anthers are more exposed and not protected by the flower.
So these anthers are more accessible for different agents.
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Make connections: How might having the anther atop a tall filament make it more likely that plants will be pollinated? It gets the pollen grains up higher. That makes it more likely that a visiting insect will pick them up.4. ... When the pollen forms on the stamen, the pistils are not ready to receive it.
B. Multicellular
C. Bicellular
D. Polycellular
I) For gametes formation
II) For pollen grain formation
III) For seed formation
The importance of meiosis are:
- gamete formation
During meiosis, sex cells such as sperms and ova are formed in the testes and ovary respectively
- pollen grain formation
Pollen grain are formed in the anthers of flowering plants
- Seed formation
Seeds also known as ovules, are formed in the ovary of flowering plants